America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Monday, August 06, 2007

Distracted as HELL

With a string of criteriums coming up (see below) and a two week vacation overseas in three weeks, Murat has the attention span of a four year old. Here's a snippet of a recent e-mail between me and coach:
[Murat] Please suggest some exercises to tone up my upper body, especially pectorals. You said no push-ups! Seems the more weight I lose, the flabbier my chest appears. I don't mind adding a pound or two of muscle to look/feel better! I have 10, 15 and 20 pound dumbells and a bench at home.. Sit-ups? Crunches? I want to do 10-15 minutes a day working on this. In spite of all the weight loss, there's still flab!
[Scheske] so what – do you want to ride fast or look good at the beach!  Losing some weight has likely caused some flabby look – it'll go away as the weight stays off.  We'll do some minimal upper body over the winter – but certainly not to build you up – just some toning stuff – lots of reps, low weight.  Your pecs don't propel your bike – so you won't look all buff on the beach, but who cares when you ride fast!
..Todd is such a no-nonsense, cut-the bullshit, eye-on-the-prize type of person.. Lucky to have him keeping me focused on what really matters. I'm easily distracted and need that.


solobreak said...

I have kept the weight off for 3 years and the flab still has not gone away. You are a little younger so maybe there is hope for you.

What is wrong with pushups? You aren't going to put any muscle weight on from a few a day. Don't be one of these twigs who breaks a collarbone just bringing in the groceries.

IMA said...

Since Saturday I seem to have added a few pounds. Related to the infection? or the reduced training stress lately? I used to be able to do 100 push ups.. Now 25-30 is hard.. Too much weight. Better to use free weights on a bench I think.

solobreak said...

100? in a row? That's 5 days worth for me...

Bike racing is important and all, but when you're pushing 40 with a family, general health and fitness are more important. Doing some weight bearing exercise is critical for skeletal health. It's not like you're getting ready to race the Alps here. Your "A" races are flat criteriums. I disagree with your coach's approach to master's cycling. A little bit of gym work all year long will help ensure that you're still able to do this when you're 60. That's my main goal anyway.

IMA said...

Yes 100 in a row. It used to be easy for me. Now I seem to need a man-zeer or something. Well, the Under Armour does the trick I guess. I'll start to do some lifting soon enough.