America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Monday, February 15, 2010

best luggage ever

For $2 you get this lightweight and indestructible bag that perfect for whipping bike race stuff into from across the room.. Unless you're the type who wastes their time folding clothing.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

John Cummings said...

Murat, I was astounded to see your sole comment on my blog - thanks a lot!! Now I can tell someone about what is going on: I am coming into this season in much better shape. I have been ice skating for excersize - much better than skiing. So, legs are fresh and hard, no major weight gain this winter like the usual 20-30 lbs. I will start on the rollers hopefully in 2 weeks, i now have a resistance method - the 'ol towel under the rear roller "what's that smell??" Anyway, wells starts in 4 weeks, my goal this year is to be with the group at the finish, rather than emptying the contents of my stomach behind a building on the final laps. i also have a new improved pedal stroke - less dead spots. I gained this by riding uphill with one foot - you really find the dead spots when you do that!! I finished last season strong - I was able to spend time at the front of the group, and did attack some weeks. Hopefully, I can pick up where I left off last year. Now, your pic from UB is so familiar - I went to UB!! I also did some real races last year - Beverly!! I had no choice but to sprint out of every turn, learning that it is not such a big deal to go to 100% and then hang in the back to recover. Again, thanks for your comment. I will find you at Wells this year and introduce myself. Hopefully I will not have to use any Scope to clear the breath!!