Well I encourage everyone to really tighten up security on their Facebook accounts. I fell into the habit of accepting friend requests from anyone whose profile showed them doing sports or who had a bunch of mutual friends. What a fucking joke Facebook has turned out to be. They have been notified 15 different ways that I have lost control of my account and that the offender has changed all my contact info, and each time I am given an assurance that facebook will send me an e-mail at least acknowlwdging that I reported a problem. So far, I have received absolutely nothing. Earlier today I sent a message to my old account saying basically "hey you stole my account give it back". I received a reply in Turkish saying "who the hell are you?". It sounds funny but it's not. This parasite has unfettered access to all my photos, pages, and friends.. And no one at Facebook has given me even the slightest indication that they give a squirt of piss about it. It will be the same for you if it ever happens, so use those new security features which they keep reminding you about every time you log in. Don't let yourself be violated like this.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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