America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Don't laugh..

I still remember the day I received this plastic bike. I think it's my 5th birthday or something, we live in Woodside, Queens, where my father is super of an apartment building, AND a full time cabinet maker for a shop that's across the street from Shea Stadium.. This bike was stolen from me in Kew Gardens (we had moved) in broad daylight, by a couple of ten year olds who decided they wanted it. Good times.


solobreak said...

This is your best blog entry ever.

team sam said...

It's amazing how early life experiences can lead to later life choices. Bikes and woodworking...go figure. Both, obviously, have been good choices.

Anonymous said...

awesome picture. i can still remember my first bicycle - i crashed it till it was throughly broken. talk about early life experiences leading to later ones, whew!