America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still on the Good side of 170..

My BMI has been steadily declining for the past 4 winters.. 185.. 178..173.. and now, 168..
Is 2010 the year when I break the physical/mental/power threshold of 160 pounds? Very good things will happen if I can make this so. The twice weekly Spinning classes combined with the 4-5 hour rides on the weekends, are working.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Spinning Bike for Grandma?

Problem: My mother in law is 5'-3 and 200 pounds. She has been steadily gaining weight ever since her knee problems surfaced, which not only cause her severe pain, it also prevents her from engaging in any of the kinds of activities which would light the fuse on some weight loss. Coupled with her extremely slow movement to both prevent further injury and to avoid falling down, we have some badly under-utilized and weakened leg muscles and a metabolism that's slowed to a crawl.
Solution: Good friend of mine in the woodworking business was lucky enough to be acquainted to Chris Hinds and back in the day, he bought a nice LeMond spinning bike from Providence Bicycle. It hasn't seen much use and so my friend is offering it to me to borrow or buy for a good price and my hope is that I will be able to take this home and get Grandma into a low impact program of sweatin' to the oldies. (It's in the back of my minivan right now!) She needs surgery on one of the joints, but the Doctor refuses to do it until she drops significant pounds, or else the repairs will not last.
Hopefully this is going to work. She's not quite 60 yet and it's time for an intervention of sorts. Thoughts?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quickly quickly

I'm done with the "Spinning" classes at the Kent County YMCA, seriously. The trainers are fun-lovable and all, but when I recently asked the alpha-in-charge instructor about being a substitute instructor [for free] I was given a boatload of bullshit such as "you would need to apprentice with me for a few classes". Fuck. Coming from this person, this is quite an insult because s/he sucks at instructing spinning class, and uses the worst possible music ever. When I offered to do some private classes this person had the nerve to inform me that my guests would be required to pay $25 to $30 each for the privilege of using their cramped smelly spin room, which definitely violates life safety codes. Why is insulting my intelligence so fashionable? Sometimes I play the fool to avoid intimidating people, and they are so easily fooled that I should be on broadway I guess.. Back when there was an awesome Union Velo spin class at the Attleboro YMCA, all we had to pay for the private class was $5 each. So I'm contemplating writing an e-mail to this person with words designed to injure, but my calm gentle nurturing demeanor prevails. I could remind them that I donated about $6000 worth of brand new cabinetry to them early this spring, but that would be wrong.. Yes I am indeed a certified Spinning instructor- I took an all day class and read a manual. It's not rocket science, and besides, if you have hundreds of hours of indoor intervals under your belt and understand about perceived exertion and heart rate zones, you are already 1/2 way there.. There's more to it of course- technique, hand positions, music selection, an ability to inspire people to suffer. Oh well. My new Spinning class is the Bally's North Providence. After tonight's excellent workout (I felt like I could rip the cranks right of the bike tonight, after recovering from the torture which NBX GP of Cross put me through this past weekend) I went to the front desk and asked for an application. I won't deny that Bally's has a lot more eye candy and that people seem to go there as much to ogle each other as to work out, but the hormonal surges which are induced undoubtedly make people push a little bit harder, and help them do that extra repetition. Well I 'm way off into the weeds again. All I really wanted to tell you is that NBX toughened the shit out of me and pretty much lit the fuse of my 2010 training plan. I rode like a man possessed in my Spinning class tonight. If you have never tried a Spinning class, it's much like a cross race in duration and intensity, except that you're riding a fixed gear and enjoying the sweaty cleavage and exposed tramp stamps which surround you. Just sayin'.. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 05, 2009 now offers Merino Wool Base Layers by HASYUN

I think it's a notable improvement over last year: I completed both NBX 35+ elite races this weekend and avoided crashing, avoided being lapped on day 2 and avoided finishing last both days. On day one I was disappointingly lapped pretty darn close to seeing 1 to go, and only by the top 6 finishers.. Coming from a crit rider who never touches his 5 year old clunker of a cross bike in between cross races, that's something to feel good about. I do this for fun and to stay sharp in the winter, that's it. Okay maybe so does everyone else.. I just tend to do it poorly.
One of these short sleeve merino wool base layers pictured below occupies my wardrobe for the past 3 years. It has been machine washed about 25 times and improperly thrown into the dryer at least 1/2 dozen times. It shows a little bit of wear but it's as comfortable as ever- today I used it as my 2nd skin underneath my long sleeve jersey at the NBX Cross race at Goddard Park. Retail price is only $29.95. You can buy these from me at It's not the fanciest web site around selling this kind of product, but that's why it only costs you $30 instead of $60. Your support makes it possible for to sponsor three elite racing teams. Below there is a wealth of information relative to the merits of merino wool apparel. Thanks for reading.


WHY WOOL? Wool is a natural, sustainable and biodegradable resource.

ODOR FREE Wool is antimicrobial. Due to superior wicking, absorbing and moisture evaporation, odor causing bacteria is defeated.

TEMPERATURE REGULATION Wool fibers have tiny pockets of air which provide a buffering layer of natural climate control.

BREATHABILITY Only wool dissipates sweat from the skin immediately as a vapor, keeping you dry and comfortable.

RENEWABLE Harvesting wool uses much less energy than is takes to make fossil-fuel dependent, man made synthetics.

WHY MERINO WOOL? Merino Wool is the most comfortable fiber you can put against your skin!

NO SHRINKING Merino wool does not shrink when properly cared for. Machine washed and sensibly dried wool gets softer and more comfortable.

NO ITCHING Merino wool is prized for it’s fine micron diameter and owes it’s light and airy feel to this distinction. Inferior itch causing wools should be avoided.

4 SEASON FUNCTIONALITY Merino Wool is comfortable in a wider range of temperatures and activities than any other fabric.

HEALTH BENEFITS Merino Wool is comfortable, but wearing it is a healthy choice too!

ALLERGIES Wool’s long fibers don’t stick out to give you that prickle effect. Wool is hypoallergenic. A wool allergy is rare, when existent, is caused by lanolin, a natural coating on the fiber.

BODY TEMPERATURE Wool releases heat better than synthetics, improving body temperature regulation. Lower heat retention helps you to work harder for longer.

NATURAL FIBER Wool’s completely natural moisture management system ensures your skin stays healthy, by removing sweat from the skin’s surface before it condenses into a liquid.

FLAME RETARDANT The wool fiber outperforms all other common textile fibers in terms of fire resistance. Wool is difficult to ignite and never melts, so it can’t stick to the skin like synthetics do when they burn.

WOOL CARE Wool is a very durable material which will outlast all other inferior types, with proper care.

HAND WASHING TIPS Hand washing is not necessary, but is encouraged because it improves the life span of your garment. To wash, use a mild detergent in lukewarm water and then rinse with cool water. Gently squeeze to remove soap and excess water. Never wring your wool garments while washing or rinsing.

MACHINE WASHING TIPS For most wool garments, use the gentle cycle with cold or warm water with a mild non bleach detergent. Powdered soaps should be dissolved completely before adding your garments.

DRYING TIPS Drying wool garments properly will preserve their size, shape and feel. After washing, lay flat or hang to dry. Wool apparel tends to dry more quickly than any other fabric.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Got lemons? Make lemonade.

Realizing too late that you used poor judgment is either a defeat or an opportunity. Your hero prefers the latter, as should you. We traveled to Rochester this weekend, and the only bike stuff I brought were:
Winter hat (Rochester is cold)
Two bibs (for Spinning at the Y)
Two ss jerseys (above)
Spd shoes (above above)
Multitool (this was a lucky stowaway)
One base layer (I like to wear as outerwear)
Obviously no bike, pumps, jacket, socks, leg warmers, helmet, spare tubes/levers, powertap, hrm, or other necessities.
As it turned out, the whole reason why I left all that stuff behind- the weather report predicting freezing rain, sleet and snow for Friday and Saturday- was pretty nearly completely wrong. Friday morning's bright sunny weather made my skin crawl. About 9:30 I went out to Starbucks for a large Pike Place (I refuse to say the word "grande")- which happens to be right next door to Park Ave Bike, managed by the inimitable Jonah D, who I went to high school with. The shop was closed but upon hearing his name and recognizing me from my FB profile, he started towards the door. The former Cannondale rep was now managing the most successful bike shop in Rochester, and upon hearing of my poor judgment, he glanced towards a fresh-out-of-the-box 56 cm Specialized Tarmac 'test bike' and said "here you go". What would YOU do??
As happy as a tornado in a trailer park, I drove up to the house with my coffee in hand and my red-headed mistress secured to the roof. The look on future ex wife's face clearly indicated another severe use of poor judgment, but forgiveness is easier to get than permission, and before she had a chance to call her attorney and take 1/2 our stuff, I kitted up with improvised apparel and got the hell out of dodge. In spite of the 35 degree coldness, the first three hours were exquisite, and if not for the freezing rain, sleet and snow which drenched me in the beginning of the 4th hour, it would have been another 85 miler as in the past 3 weekends. I had to settle for a little less, but it was a slightly higher intensity than usual due to being alone the whole time.
The following morning I had the pleasure of meeting up with the GVCC "endurance ride" (as many of the 30 strong group reminded me after the first few rollers). I was President of this club back in 1989. As you can imagine, I was on a short leash with a choker this morning. After traversing part of the old Mendon GVCC road race course in a group heavily populated with fixies, cross bikes and fenders, I peeled off and headed back north towards Pittsford to keep my promise of being home by noon. Besides I also had a demo bike to return and some flowers to buy.. I'm still working on the flowers part..
Poor judgment-0, Murat-1.
Thanks for reading.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Phoenix Arizona: nice place to read about

The single most impressive thing about Phoenix Arizona is the Rental Car Terminal. Intelligent design has a special place in my heart. The thing that brought me down was the emptiness. Phoenix is a lonely city- all dressed up and waiting for a party to happen, it seems, and everyone is a no-show. The glimmering mini skyscrapers seem to be populated only by the palm trees which surround them. It's a scene out of Grand Theft Auto if I ever saw one. The boring flat landscape is made interesting with shiny hollow trophies of an era which probably ended a little after Y2K and the bottom falling out of tech stocks. I'm well aware of the mountains, canyons and natural beauty that is beyond the perfectly linear matrix of streets, and I begin to wonder if maybe that's where everyone went. Severe time limits prevented me from finding a bike to rent and from exploring the roads for hours like I wanted to. Shit, I only put 30 miles on my rental car for that matter. Phoenix has an abundance of billboards. Some one is getting very rich selling space to all the corporations who pine for your attention. I detest them, almost as much as the car dealer ads on the radio.. You know, the loud ones that sound like you're listening to the preview of an epic movie, followed by a fast talker who reads all the fine print of that zero down zero interest deal that ends tomorrow.. Car dealers are slime, just like billboard owners. One is engaged in noise pollution, the other in sight pollution. Way to make an ugly place uglier Phoenix! I did not turn on my car radio, for reasons I just described.. But you can't close your eyes while driving. I lied there's something else I liked about Phoenix- the Metro running up and down Central Ave is a slick set-up. There's even a car where bicyclists can hang their bikes from the ceiling- a nice touch but one which I can't understand. The climate is near perfect and the roads are perfectly smooth and flat. Why bother jumping on a tram when you're already on your bike in the first place?
The Convention Center is a LEED Silver certified building which is respectable.. LEED and Green construction practices were frequent topics discussed at the trade show I attended in Phoenix. A speaker in one of the workshops I attended said something pretty dramatic:
"In 20 years, 1/3 of the jobs available today will be gone, and 1/2 of them will be replaced by Green-collar jobs". My profession engages me in the construction and renovation of high performance green schools. This is stuff I care about. Furnishing $5 million hi-rise condos on Beacon Street with expensive and exotic woodwork does not turn my crank. Furnishing a public educational facility with responsibly forested, locally harvested and low VOC emitting woodwork, does interest me, immensely.
I will board my flight here in Detroit shortly. My new Blackberry 8900 is junk- I'm trading up to a BOLD. Time to play some Word Mole. Thanks for reading.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New job = New Bike Commute

For the past five years I was lucky to have an 8 mile bike ride to work. (I used to take the long way home of course..) Now my bike commute is 26 miles each way and I fear that it may be a bit too much, especially in the mornings. This is going to be hard to do more than once a week. I need to leave the house at 6:00 am in order to get there at a reasonable hour, and the logistics of clean clothing, grooming failures and odor control really make it harder than you might think. I rode this route home tonight for the first time and noticed that it was always a very gradual downhill with a tailwind, going north to south. Tomorrow morning it will be colder, it will be uphill and it will be into the wind. What better way to start the day than with a challenging 90 minutes of straining yourself while a backpack humps your torso and every driver acts like they wish you were dead? It will be a relief to reach the bike path tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Gewilli's commute is what, 3 miles? with an over-population of phreds whose primary training goal each year is to avoid being passed by anyone on the bike path? the East Bay bike path is narrow, bumpy, covered in bird shit, and always smells like low tide..The Blackstone Bike Path is stunning. I've seen all five paths in Rhode Island and Blackstone is by far the most scenic, interesting, and beautiful of them all. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Looking to sponsor a few good teams

Dear wife and I are slowly but surely growing a couple of small businesses:
WeeBike and another project that is soon to be off the ground. We are going to be the USA distribution arm of a company in Turkey which manufactures WOOL base layers and undergarments of all types. The company is called HASYUN, which translates literally into Pure Wool. We're also negotiating with a sports apparel manufacturer in Turkey for possible introduction of a line of custom racing apparel- bib shorts, jerseys, jackets etc, under the M1 Racing Brand that we have made popular in New England over the past couple of years.
We're looking for a few teams which are looking for sponsors. Cash, merchandise or a combination of the two can be offered depending upon the situation of the teams which are interested. If your team is about to pull the trigger on ordering new apparel for 2010, please reach out to me via e-mail:

Sunday, November 01, 2009


I'm pleased because even though I crashed heavily two times at today's Canton Cup Cyclocross Race, your hero never quit, he avoided being lapped and even caught four people and sprinted past a fifth right at the finish line. My son Reis pulled a similar result in his kid's race for 6 and 7 year olds. He went right off into the weeds on the first slick muddy turn and was dead last.. until he got back on the bike, chased down and passed two kids and finished fourth. Mommy for her part, put up with all the pissing, moaning, whining and bullshit that Reis and I could dish out, all day long, before patiently painting Reis' face like Spider Man so we could all go trick-or-treating. It takes a strong woman to handle a couple of selfish crybabies like Reis and I.. but the knife cuts two ways and we'll leave it at that! Finishing my first cyclo-cross race on the same lap as the leaders feels pretty good. So does catching and passing people and looking back to see the gap on them open steadily. A taste of that could light my fire to try even harder to do well.. Usually I just use cyclocross as a means to keep fitness sharp until January when the road training officially begins. Another home run from today that I'm absolutely beaming about: I found my Powertap bike computer. It was lost in mid September and I've looked everywhere for it, even in the place where it was found: the pocket of my brown camouflage shorts. I've repeatedly fondled these shorts and others over the past weeks, hoping to feel the little device from outside. Well today I said fuck-it and shoved my hand into the pocket for once and [curse your slim profile, Powertap] there it was. I came running down the stairs almost naked to report the search and rescue to Ebru. She thought I found a million dollars, I think she was disappointed. So it goes- I finally finished a race at Canton, on the 3rd try. My doors were blown off [even worse] on the 1st try and again a couple of years ago when I dragged my poor father to the race with me. He froze his balls off watching me pathetically try to ride a bike for 2 laps.. I don't think he was too impressed with me that day.. Maybe today makes up for it. Maybe finding the Powertap was payback for determination. Maybe this should be the last sentence of this story. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


For the past many months and months, Facebook has pretty much hijacked my attention span, taking it away from this blog and leaving readers twisting in the wind.. unless they themselves migrated over to the land of imitation friendships. Let's face it, accepting a friend request is the equivalent of canine crotch sniffing. We proceed to ogle all of the friends, photos and other bullshit which our new "friends" have just exposed. It's a peep show of flashers and consenting victims.
Today something different happened. Something less typical than what I describe. A couple of things happened actually. First I stumbled upon the Facebook link to blog, where I was astonished to discover that I have followers. I can't think of another word which makes my insides tingle more warmly. Okay there were only six of them in there, but I am not acquainted with three- total strangers. This gives me a hard-on, figuratively speaking, and it explains the first irony which my title suggests: that Facebook played a part in getting me interested in blogging again.
The next surprise came in the form of a friend request acceptance and a message posted to my Facebook Wall by my new friend. I sent a friend request to Franz Wright earlier in the afternoon. By the time I got home from a friend's child's birthday party, he had replied with an acceptance and the following message.

Franz Wright Hi, and thanks for befriending me. I remember coming across your blog a long time ago and being greatly encouraged by some good words of yours. FW

4 hours ago · · · See Wall-to-Wall
I usually have a pretty low opinion of my work, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Franz Wright won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 2004. That he stumbled upon my blog and found words fit to encourage him is the biggest compliment I have ever received. Irony No 2 happens to be that for twice in one day, Facebook sent me back to the drawing board (that is, my blog), and wondering why I have let is slip so.
The third thing I want to share with you is partly coincidence and part irony. I resigned from my job last week, and yesterday was my last day after five years of service. While my pre-resignation memo and my resignation memo which followed by one month were both ignored completely by upper management, my memo to all fellow co-workers sent yesterday was much more warmly received. I received dozens of replies from well-wishers and numerous compliments relative to my writing. Even a recent e-mail from my new employer also indicated that my choice of words was impressive. Yesterday a [former] co-worker expressed to me that I could probably make a living using this skill if I put my mind to it. Having said all of this, isn't it ironic that theweakness bird-dogged the most by my former employer was "poor communication"?
Here is my Resignation memo, followed by my Goodbye memo. I think Franz would like these.Resignation Memo:


I recognize that the problems at [company] are intense enough to eclipse all other matters but it's impossible to perform at a high level when my concerns are ignored. I can't continue to pretend that it doesn’t hurt me that my previous message entered a vacuum. This lack of communication has made things difficult.

No one stays employed anywhere for 5 years for being a low performer, yet the past few weeks and months make it seem as though I am being encouraged to leave. This does not feel good and I hope that I will be proven wrong somehow. From where I stand, it’s a dishonor to stay in this position and it invites others to disrespect me if I go along with the derision as if it’s acceptable. I need to stop trying to catch a falling knife.
If there are any positive ideas or future changes which I am unaware of, now would be the time to share them with me. Otherwise this will serve as my notice to leave [company] and we should discuss an exit plan.


Goodbye Memo:

Dear Fellow Co-Workers:

"It's what we do." Remind yourself of this the next time an assignment is getting the best of you.

It has been an honor to count myself among you for the past five years. Working with the caliber of people who populate [company] is a privilege- take pride in being immersed in such a deep pool of talent. As the melancholy of leaving you eclipses the excitement of a new career, it's abundantly clear to me that five years have not been wasted. I leave you carrying a giant payload of personal growth, valuable experience, and great memories.

I humbly encourage everyone to test their limits- it's not possible to become better/faster/stronger if we do not. We all want to be strong. Fortunately, the limits we decide to test are in our control. Let's choose them wisely so that our adaptations are compatible with our goals. You’re the captain.

It is my hope to be considered as one who cares deeply about [company], as one who salutes those who try to be excellent, and that your actions say the same about you.


Thanks for reading.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

There's less of me to go around..

Originally 10/15/10:

..and I mean it literally and figuratively and physically.. It's been nearly 2 months since my last contribution here, but I've become a bit overwhelmed with the amount of attention the internet requires from me. I'm now counting 8 or 9 blogs, plus 3 retail websites, a few social networking venues and of course horoscopes, news, weather, maps, five e-mail accounts, spam and youporn. Needless to say, your hero is spread pretty thin these days..
So a few hours after today's colonoscopy, my dear wife indicated with much amusement how helpless I looked in the recovery room.. that is.. high on drugs, tubes in my nose and arm, drooling on myself as I slowly regained consciousness.. and I couldn't resist asking her why she didn't right then and there take a picture and "Facebook it". Well apparently the idea did cross her mind but she refrained from exploiting my pain for your entertainment. Good girl.. It got me to thinking.. as we drove to the PTO meeting tonight- there must already be some good images of me injured or suffering that I can share.. and bingo! I remembered the self portrait I took of myself 4 years ago, in the ambulance after being hit by a car in Cranston while riding home from work. So after sending Ebru off to bed (she fell asleep while we watched our Netflix movie- "Guru") I resolved to find that picture and explain to you how, if that accident happened today I would have probably broken some bones.. At my annual physical this past Tuesday, I asked my doctor what my weigh-in was two years prior- 183.. one year ago- 173.. and two days ago.. drumroll..... 162 (fully clothed of course..) so at the time of this accident where I destroyed my helmet (I had blood coming out of my ear and I had stitches in my ear canal) I was about 25 pounds heavier, more cushioned with fat, perhaps even more muscular. I don't know how I would fare today in such a T-bone collision.. This morning I weighed in at 157, but of course this was in my birthday suit, and after an 18 hour period of liquid diet, Dulcolax and other bowel cleansing medications I was required to imbibe. I don't miss those extra 25 pounds. After disrobing for today's procedure and laying on the gurney, two nurses attended to my IV, blood pressure and oxygen.. when they took my pulse it was nice to hear them say "heartrate is 46- you are very fit!". Indeed, a big strong heart doesn't need to pump so often- it moves more blood with less work- an advantage which hopefully pays big dividends when I'm an old man. Ebru was with me in the recovery room today- and I don't remember a thing- but she says the alarm kept going off because my heart rate kept falling below 45. Sweet. If I never win another bike race ever again (I hear that stifled laughter- not cool), I still feel like I've won something priceless: more time on this planet with people who I love.. which assumes of course that a piano does not fall onto me or my plane does not crash or other unmentionable abbreviations of life do not occur to me..
I'm reaching an age where it's probably going to be hard resisting the urge to judge myself, judge my achievements, judge my health, judge my life's quality. So far I'm looking forward to the occasion, and hopefully many of the more difficult albeit correct choices I've made and hard work I've done for the past 10-20 years will continue to bear fruit. With so many blessings to count, age does not matter.
For those of you who wondered, my colonoscopy was a success- only one small polyp was found and removed.. and if/when I get my hands on a picture of it, hell yeah I'm going to Facebook it!
Thanks for reading.

Posted By Murat Altinbasak to Amerikan Turk™ at 10/14/2010 11:56:00 PM

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WeeBike - USA Cycling promotion

You have all seen my boy go from a two wheel LikeaBike to a two wheel FELT and SKIP THE TRAINING WHEELS. Here he is coasting to victory up at the Boston Mayor's Cup.

Anyway, we need to move some bikes and pay some bills, so I am offering the following to anyone who buys a LikeaBike and holds a USA Cycling racing license:
One free race entry fee on us when you purchase any model of Likeabike from WeeBike.

Only one caveat: you must complete your transaction at (not Ebay) and take delivery at a local race event. Payment by Paypal is fine. Just indicate your racing license number with your payment and we will issue a refund of $25 after we verify that you're you and that you hold a valid racing license.

This promotion is offered for a limited time.. at least until Christmas.. We've been in business for nearly two years and every penny we've made selling the bikes has been spent on funding the M1 Racing - WeeBike Team. Please, if you're in the market for one of these high end bikes, buy from WeeBike and help us keep this team going. Spread the word!
Three free Livestrong bracelets with each purchase too (two adult and one youth size)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I did a SPIN class last night, followed by a little bit of upper body work on the Nautilus machines. Noticed on my chart (still there after all this time) that the last time I lifted weights was on my birthday March 19th. So I haven’t lifted in six months and 10 days. Interesting… The good news is, I kicked the SPIN class’ ass last night. Where a week ago I was dying just to avoid falling off the bike, last night I was strong and had a good time. Tonight I’m doing Pilates again. Every Tuesday 6:30 at the Kent County Y.. I’m usually the only guy in there.. which is a good ratio for me.. some of the moves we do down on the floor would not make it onto prime time television. I credit a lot of the good racing I did in May to the lifting, Pilates and yoga I did all winter. Now I’m prepping for a better cross season using these disciplines. Let’s see if I can escape being lapped for a change!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Note to self:

Burn-out at work causes burn-out on the bike.

I did a spin class last night after work and basically had to fake my way through and use less resistance than I was supposed to. Couldn’t wait for it to end, because walking out would be too embarrassing.

Dear wife was just diagnosed with Lyme disease, which explains a few things. Now I wonder if I have it too somehow, though it’s not known to be contagious.

My back has been killing me for months. I’m in the care of a chiropractor. An x-ray taken a month ago showed my spine curved sideways from my tailbone up. Looks like the kind of trauma that would be caused by being hit by a car from the left. (ie July 2006 when I was hit)

I’m registered for the Mayor’s Cup but I have very little time to tune myself up. The goal is to hopefully hang in there and tail-gun it to the finish. I have to try, no matter what.

Maybe skipping the racing this weekend and a couple of long zone rides followed by good food and quality rest will get me out of this rut. Good 4-5 hour rides always seem to precede my best results this season.

Pilates tonight at the Y. Should I go? I can ride there I guess, then ride home after. Or not. Fatigue and stress has me cross-eyed.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Solo Break Racing

Apparently there’s a new team which is sponsored by the mild-mannered alter ego of our beloved Nega-Coach:





Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cheers and Jeers

Cheers to the new Powertap head unit that arrived today! I lost my computer at Concord on 8/1 and found a nearly new head unit on Ebay- snagged it for $46. Yay! Data restored!
Jeers to my job and for occupying me for 60-70 hour weeks for the past many weeks. Training volume is sub-100 miles and form is sneaking away from me. Must find a way to evade the long hours!
Cheers to my latest vehicle purchase- a brand new 2009 Honda FIT Sport- bought for under invoice and an awesome 33 mpg. This car is extremely loaded, versatile, and has pretty nice lines for an economy car. Got it in whit so it look like freshly wrapped Pro bar tape.
Jeers to me for not blogging at all for the past week! Too busy too tired..
Cheers for my son Reis- his 6th birthday is on Saturday!
Jeers to me for missing this year's edition of the Chris Thater Criterium. No form, birthday on Saturday- made it impossible.
Cheers to getting my Powertap today! So psyched to see where I stand.. and this new unit has only 60 miles on it. It's the latest generation of the wired units. Liking it lots.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Harder than it looks

I did this entire ride in the big ring- forgot to hit the start button for the first 3 miles.. Also kind of upset that a driver who was behind me at a dark intersection rolled down his window and yelled "You are an asssss-hooooole". I was on the left anticipating my left turn long before he ever reached me, so what's the problem? I reached the intersection first and did not delay him. What is it about a bicyclist who's just making his way home, minding his own business on the side of the road in the pitch black darkness, with reflective back pack, blinky and headlight, that brings out the worst in people? This was a new route for me. Kind of challenging. Basically it followed Park Ave (Route 12) out towards the reservoir, all the way to the end. That's about 1/2 of the ride. Then where 94/14/102 split, bear left and follow 102/14. Another few miles up, bear right on 14, then a few miles later, follow signs for 117 East. Take to Sandy Bottom Rd in Coventry- turn right and go to Division Road a few miles up. Left on Division Road takes me straight across route 2 and to Main Street in East Greenwich, which I now call home. Got home about 9. It was dark! If not for the 'Auto-on' being disabled on my Polar, I would surely have cracked 20 mph, which of course, is a requirement for any ride.
Still no sign of my Powertap- lost it at the Concord Crit.. Damn. I could use a little do-re-me for a replacemtn head unit, so if you are looking for a new bike for your 2-5 year old or looking for a few wool base layers for the fall/winter, please go buy some of my stuff: If you find something you like, such as a LikeaBike Jumper, let me know via e-mail and I can knock 10% off the price for cash sales that are delivered to you in person at a race.
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

2009 Concord Criterium Results

I was on the rivet for the whole entire time, and it took some coaxing and encouragement from a good team mate, but in the end, I found myself in the top ten going into the correct inside line of the corkscrew with 1/2 lap to go. There was a crash in the final corner- on the outside. This was both a curse and a blessing- it required me to shift my weight to the right at high speed and reach for the brakes, losing a touch of speed. On the other hand, it delayed a few guys enough for me to hold onto 9th place with lots of room to spare, or so it seemed. Hopefully the results this year will show a high speed shot of the top 15 as they showed in last year's results. Needless to say, it pleases me immensely that Matt Kressy won, that three of our team populate the top ten finishers, and that all five of our team raced honorably and finished.