In the span of two days, I rode for 7 hours and 35 minutes, all outdoors. Wasn't easy, even with the mild weather, and my left knee was protesting a little bit today. Overuse. May it pass quickly.. Above is Saturday. Below is Sunday. I am quite tired from this. The good news is that I didn't feel any cramping during either of these long rides. Body has adapted nicely to these 3+ hour weekend rides I've been doing for the past month. Today's ride was noticably lower output because my left knee had some nuisance pain and I nursed it for the whole three hours and held back.

It's going to be a long week of cold weather and indoor training!
These are some serious rides for January.
You should trying upping your cadence closer to 90 for the average.
You boost you zone 2 workload, adapt your legs to a faster pace, ease the pain in your left knee, produce higher power and therefore have to do shorter rides in the cold weather to get the same effect on the body.
You're right! I should spin more. It's uncanny that both days gave the exact same average cadence though.. Must be my sweet spot or something.. I've been doing three hour rides every weekend for the past 4 weeks.. I thought by now that my knees had adapted to the stress. I think I'm going to be all right in a couple of days. I did a 30 minute light spin tonight and the legs felt like iron.. Strong that is.. too strong for the tendons I guess..
nice!! that is a serious amount of saddle time!
the long hours in the saddle have really been doing me well, too as I'm really feeling stronger and stronger pounding out tempo on the bike... maybe it's just the warmer weather?
3.5 hours with my buddy Matt saturday with some forays into SST/LT territory (to pass some weekend warriors on bikes costing 15 times mine)and 2.5 hours sunday, a bit slower and with 2 teammates... all on the fixed gear.
My 42x16 finally feels easy to turn over and i hit 36mph on a down hill without freaking out, so I'm assuming the leg speed is a bit better too.
14 hours this week leads me into 3 days of slow commuting only...sort of a mini R+R period. I'll be hitting the SST on thursday... 1 hour work set with 1 minute bursts at LTP every 5 minutes. Wheeeee!!!
The last time I took an entire week with no decent rides, I felt like crap. How do R+R weeks seem to treat you?
What does this next block of training hold for you, Murat? or is it top secret?
-Ride safe!!
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