America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Presidential Tour of Turkey 13-20 April 2008

On deck is the 44th version of The Presidential Tour of Turkey. A prestigious stage race which attracts a large number of Middle Eastern and Eastern European talent.. Word on the street is that it's going to be televised on TRT in 2008. Yours truly is working hard in the coming weeks to establish communications with the Turkish Federation and with the race organizers so that I can compete. I either need to put my own team together or be invited as a guest on another team. If I had to make an informed guess, this race is at least as difficult to win as the Pro-Am at Fitchburg or Green Mountain, which even being optimistic, relegates me to pack fodder. But it's one of those things where simply participating is a once in a lifetime opportunity, not to be passed up in my eyes.. and I'm not getting any younger! Who wants to go? Check the official website for some stage info. Seems this page is still developing- they just slapped something together for now.


nhrider said...

I'd love to go but I think I would die on some of those stages. I hope you get to go Murat. Maybe you could psot some video from the race. Do they allow that in a UCI race?

Anonymous said...

Hi Murat,
time to up your rides from 3 hrs on sat sun to 6hrs. I noticed one of the stages is 140Miles! Don't under estimate the race, its a uci 2.2 a step up from fitchburg.

good luck with the team!


Il Bruce said...

Frenchie and a few of his RI - Senegalese pals used to get invites to the Tour of Senegal every year.

I would think ther would be interest in a homie coming home.

Good luck.


the Husband said...

that's a tough tour. I rode some of those roads around Kalkan and Bodrum a few years ago although it was August!!! and the combination of poor surfaces, dogs, hills, gogs and heat made for some interesting sprint intervals as well as many flats. Still its a beatiful part of Turkey and I hope you get the chanc to report on your experiences

IMA said...

nh I have no idea. I won't try to find out!
KL you're right, and I've never even done Fitchburg! Three hour rides is all I can handle when it's under 30 degrees though..
il bruce you may be right. but right now in the Turkish Federation it's like "Murat who?"
Andy I'm not a gifted athlete. If I get to go it is a privilege not to be squandered. I hope I can make it happen.