America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Commuting again?

Who wouldn't? It's so nice and mild out. Last night I rode home with no tights or leg warmers.. something I tend to do at the 50 degree threshold. Took the long way home too, in the pitch black of the Cranston bike path. My front blinky has a steady beam, but it's not for seeing, it's for being seen.. (Can someone pleae recommend a good light- somethng they already use and swear by??) I rode in this morning a little more bundled up, but I fully expect to ride home tonight in a balmy 50+ degrees. The fixed gear is still out with a flat and when I work up the resolve to touch the filthy rear wheel in order to remove it and fix the flat, I'm riding my road bike.. It will have to wait until the weekend.


gewilli said...

ah heck they all work... value?

sometin like dis: LED light

leo said...

yes, I can highly recommend 2 lights at different price points, but both great values.

they both require high quality rechargeable bateries (or litium disposables if you're not into the green movement thing), so keep this in mind.

first, at $150 or so is the Dinnote 200L (AA battery version). this is a small light unit with a short cord and a small battery pack. mounting is simple and quick.

second is the FENIX LIGHTS L2D digital premium. This light looks like a AA maglight, but it throws an astonishing amount of clean light. It has multiple modes of brightness and needs a "lightblok" which is a mounting thingie avaliable from the same website that the light is sold on:
this light is about 65 bucks. For commuting, the simplicity makes this my favorite.

For longer training rides, I use both. I have a prinetontec eos headlamp strapped to my helmet, too which is excellent for getting the attention of cell-phoning motorists.

both lights are highly recommended and well tested on brevets and countless commutes in ALL conditions.