Just lost a nice blog post due to clicking on a link in Outlook.. Grrrrr. Now to recreate..
Nose to the grindstone at work trying to get caught up on my projects.. More accurately, I am trying to avoid the guilt of accepting a paycheck every week. That's some brutally painful truth.. More intervals of pinpoint precision intensity await me tonight. For those pretending not to care, it's the same workout as last Tuesday, when I felt like throwing chunks at the end: 3 minutes at 120% FT with 3 minutes rest in between, three times. Sounds easy, I'm sure. My 120% FT is 330 watts, no big deal right? Well it's not the intervals which get you, it's the short rest in between.. Last week is fresh in my mind. The first one I was like "Pffft! this is easy! bring 'em on!" Second one was I was like "why don't my legs want to go like they did last time? Phuc. Ouch". Then the third one hit me like the last km of a crit, I was like "What is that burning taste in the back of my mouth? Did I eat recently? Nope!".. Needless to say, I can't wait to get going..
Coach and friend Todd Scheske got some nice street cred recently via Rochester's Democrat and Chronicle.. Here's a nice read: When Roadies Hit the Trails
Avoid junk miles. Use a power meter.
come to Wompatuck. I'll sit on your wheel while you do your intervals.
Foreshadowing? I wish I sat on YOUR wheel yesterday.
There was a Target training guy last Wed who was racing every other lap, helping us chase the break. This kid took monster pulls for entire laps and then took a breather. I try to do the same these days because sitting in has the same intensity as a zone 3 ride- tempo. Not the kind of training that I'm looking for at a crit. I want a little bit of everything.
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