America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

America's #1 Balance Bike Destination
America's #1 Balance Bike Destination

Monday, June 04, 2007

Some priceless video footage..

..was obtained Sunday at Wells Ave.. featuring our esteemed Nega-Coach, Solobreak on my wheel. Pre-race, I thought he looked familiar.. but the hair was a tad longish, compared to the clippers video.. he also looks taller in person.. and the glasses, no bug-eyed glasses on. It wasn't until I heard the old man's voice that I felt sure of who he was. Anyway.. I intend to create a separate video featuring only the SB himself, unless he objects. My way of giving back for the nega coaching we've enjoyed, er.. been subjected to.


solobreak said...

I tried to mug for the camera. Sorry I forgot to mention that in today's blog entry.

The vintage Briko Twin Guns were left behind at the house in Vermont (I hope). So, I should get them back someday. Then I left my other glasses on top of the car leaving Wompatuck last week.

After leaving Wells, I couldn't remember why I had been thinking of going to Home Depot, so I skipped it. Now I remember. I need to pick up a couple of $10 pairs of clear landscaper glasses...

gewilli said...


can't freaking WAIT

or wait...

not sure we'll be able to recognize solo w/o his Briko Bug face on....