Recorded June 23, 2007. This is different. No fancy music. Just lots of Murat's brain droppings. AND!: video from the finish too.. Hope you'll like it. I will embed this when I get home, unless gewilli or solobreak offer to do it for me before then. Surely I can trust them with my log-in information..
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Murat advances
Looky-look! Murat populates 6th place in the Rhode Island Masters Criterium Rankings. Kind of unexpected, considering I've not won anything or even cracked top ten.. I guess consistency is the key... Finishing around 20th over and over and over again gives you nice low point scores (lower is better) Please allow this anonymous mid-pack finisher to indulge in something remotely satisfying. <Haaaaa>.. On that note, some shout-outs and salutations.. I must say I'm impressed with Ted Shanstrom this season. Seems to be firing on all cylinders lately and ranked highly as a result- shooting from 10th to 4th recently. Nice results in two Cox Criteriums yesterday too.. Christopher Dale! You dropped to 7th but with your 8th place at the NBX Criterium you might average back down (up) to 6th again. Regrettably, your 2006 Cox and Casters Crit results are off the 12 month radar (which helped me) and your 2007 Cox result wasn't as good as '06. Gary Aspnes! Here's a shout out to the guy who almost caught me from a minute back at the Bob Beal TT.. I dropped out of the NBX Crit (not long after my four lap suicide break at the start) and watched you grind it out solo for those last few laps.. Believe me I was rooting for you, even if it meant that you would overtake me in RI standings.. You deserved 6th place and almost had it. Damn that would have been beautiful. But you beat me at Cox yesterday by 8 places, so you'll average down to about 270-275 I figure.. Remember Cox has a race value of 100, and it's 125-500 for Masters (not the typical 175-500) As for me, I may average down to something in the high 260s.. I'll take it. When winning isn't exactly within reach yet, you have to take what you can get and use it like jet fuel. Why the hell not?
Coffee-free today? I am
Just realized that I didn't run out for my daily medium hot coffee with cream and 2 sugars from the DD. Also not missing my daily warm croisant drenched with butter. (Okay missing it a little bit as my stomach growls) What is wrong with me? I get up at 4:00 am, go back to bed at 5:00 (always a big mistake for me, I was wide awake, but felt the need for more rest) I wake up again, too late to make it to work on time, leave the house at the time I'm supposed to arrive at work, (by bike of course) and get to work around 9:00 (not bothering to take any shortcuts), unshaven, but glad to already be an hour into my work day. This place is good like that. No worries about your hours as long as you get the job done.. well within reason. Today is a rest day with easy spins to/from work and tomorrow's ride features VOmax hill repeats:
20 min warm up
45 min zone 2 (endurance pace)
3 min hill repeats at VOmax (2.5 min zone 5a, final 30 sec zone 5b)
8 min Recovery
repeat until you cannot match within 10% avg watts of 3rd interval
repeat until you cannot match within 10% avg watts of 3rd interval
60:00 zone 3 (tempo)
(Coach believes I can do this for how many more than three times I wonder??)
Now where can I find a nice loop that iincludes a 3 minute hill and 8 minutes of recovery? If I don't find something, I see myself on route 12 near the reservoir, going up to the top and then doubling back down to recover, which is lame and boring. Maybe a diversion down into the Hope Furnace area will get me onto a decent loop, but I doubt it will be less than 20 minutes around. No good. Curse you, New England roads..
Sunday, June 24, 2007
2007 Cox Charities Criterium: A few pictures
NBX Ninigret Criterium
I have some video which I'll share later.. Congrats to Rick Kotch (3rd) who joined the winning break and outsprinted two of his companions. Also to Arik Jon Holm (6th) who took the field sprint. As for me, I went on a four lap flyer from the start and never fully recovered.. so the first 8 minutes of video might be the most boring footage of all time. Maybe not.. More later.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Last Word
It's official, I'm not going to Rochester for the Twilight Crit tomorrow. Instead I will be at the NBX Bikes Ninigret Criterium and at the Cox Classic Criterium for the 35+ (and maybe the Pro-1-2 if I feel like pointlessly thrashing myself for two extra hours, and paying $45 for the priviliege) I'm actually scheduled to have a light endurance day tomorrow, but with Coach Scheske up to his ears in Twilight Crit preparations and management, I may have to just take exception to The Plan and do the Ninigret race. If I can get a top ten in Wednesday's training crit, can I repeat it on Saturday? That's the thing about confidence.. You can't "train" it into a person. You can only build it with results..success breeds success.. and it's a lot like the "experience" catch 22 faced by young people trying to enter the work force. "How can I gain experience if no one will hire me?" "Who will hire me if I don't have any experience?"
'Tis my biggest challenge right now.. Body: stronger. Belief in myself: weak. (but improving)
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend.

I'm required to fast today until noon time, when I will be meeting a nurse at the house who will take my blood and urine samples, take my measurements, pulse, blood pressure, weight and money.. all for the legalized gambling racket we call life insurance. Yes soon I will be worth more money when dead, than while living. Hopefully I can make it until noon without eating. At 2:00 AM I was up and had a bowl of Raisin Bran (topped off with some Lucky Charms). Usually by this time (8:30) I've had a big bowl of Raisin Bran at 6:00 am, and a warm buttered croisant and a med hot coffee from the Dunk. Usually by 10:30 I also scarf down a "Nut Naturals" Powerbar.. I've ridden to work today (as I do every day- no need to make a big deal out of it) and thank goodness it's a rest day: HR was 106 avg, watts 122 avg, duration 47:24, distance 13.14 miles, speed 15.9 mph avg. A real sleeper.
Yesterday morning I weighed in exactly 165. THIS morning, I was astonished to find myself back up to 169! And this was after a skipped breakfast (fasting) and after my daily morning elimination, which was "continental" in proportions.. Surprising.. We had Mexican for dinner last night and the portions were huge.. but like I said, in the AM it was all gone.. so how does one gain four pounds in one 24 hour period? Was the Mexican food too salty? It didn't seem to be! I did gulp down two large Diet Cokes and I did help dear wife finish her dessert.. Serves me right.. Maybe I'm just retaining water. Some coffee would fix that.. but I can't.. Fasting.. Crap on a stick. This sucks. I mean, I can fast, but the concentration and focus is gone.. That's what sucks. We should all go hungry occasionally and feel what it's like for the other 80% of the world's population. Most Americans have never felt hunger.. We tend to eat before we're hungry (whenever it's time to eat!) and we tend to eat until we're absolutely full, like we're preparing for some natural disaster induced famine or something..
"America runs on Dunkin". How do you like that one? Rachel Ray telling you how it's so "quick and delish"? "Quilicious"? and how everyone should have an iced coffee as a "pick-me-up"? Does this guerilla campaign to fatten America with sugary donuts, bagels, cookies, iced coffee and hot coffee, not disgut you? Aren't you completely sickened with the brazen effort by Dunkin Donuts to create a chemical dependence on their products? I am. No shame whatsoever... Even the radio announcer's voice is such that he sounds like he's over weight. It's like a subconscious affirmation and acceptance of a weight problem. If that's not deliberate, I don't know what is.. Rachel Ray.. you're a shameless sell-out..
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Ninigret Criterium: 8th

Nice sized "A" field last night, with about 60 racers at the start. I arrived super early and did an hour of zone 1 beforehand. Used my Rolf Vector Pro tubular front wheel- the one with the eighty dollar Schwalbe tire.. Love those wheels, too bad the rear's a Campy. It had been raining on and off all day but by the time our race took start it was bright and sunny out, really beautiful. I almost attached the handlebar cam, but decided against it at the last minute. Ninigret is usually a challenge for me.. but last night I felt pretty good, did lots of work at the front, and finished the race in 8th place. Team mate Rick Kotch was pipped at the line by Tobi Schultz and took 2nd. I haven't done any training to improve my sprint, so in the rare instance where I have a shot at a top three, I can feel the deficiency. In the final wind-up, the best I could do is hold my position out of the final corner, seated. Need to work on that. I believe my training plan is bearing some fruit, as I was only put into real difficulty only once, where someone who was tired let a pretty large gap open up during an acceleration. That hurt so much I needed a few laps of recovery before I moved to the front again. I overheard a few people saying how it was the hardest Ninigret crit so far this year, and it was encouraging to hear. Now I need to decide whether to stay in town and race at Cox, or drive to Rochester again to do the Rochester Twilight Crit. Maybe the weather report will decide for me?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Brazilian Roberto Carlos signs two year deal with Fenerbahce in Istanbul
Brazilian soccer player Roberto Carlos reacts during a contract-signing ceremony in Istanbul June 19, 2007. Carlos has signed a two-year deal with Turkish soccer club Fenerbahce. (TURKEY) REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Housatonic Hills Road Race Masters 45+

Am I the only one dying to know the story behind this photo finish from the Housatonic Hills Road Race? Why is the winner gesturing towards the finish line camera/officials? A new friend I've made recently, Haluk Sarci, took 2nd place and I'm wondering what happened during the 3up sprint for the win.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Back from Rochester
Spent the weekend in western New York visiting family, attending an enormous Turkish Festival, and of course riding the bike. Rode for three hours Sunday, two of those hours with my friend and coach Todd Scheske, who is assistant race director for the upcoming Rochester Twilight Criterium on Saturday June 23rd. This event draws crowds of spectators numbering in the 30,000+ range. From what I'm told, this year will be even bigger and better. I'm on the fence about driving out there again next weekend for a 20 mile masters crit, but as I understand it, witnessing the Pros trade punches for two hours on this formula 1 style course is something to behold, and worth the trip in it's own right. I'd much rather stay in town and race at Cox (would be much easier on the wallet) but maybe it's time I raced somewhere other than New England for a change. Remember the tropical storm last year at? .. In case you didn't notice, the Cox PRO event has been changed to 6:00 pm this year. That's no accident. It was coordinated between Todd and the Cox folks so that those who race in Rochester Saturday can make the trip east to Providence in time for the Pro event here on Sunday. This should help make the Cox Crit a very well attended event.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Does anyone remember the old Plymouth-Reebok junior team of the late eighties? I remember that their reputation was such that most junior racers would dread their attendance- they were very fast. Who was on that team? Who went pro? Who among them still races? The names John Loehner, Aaron Newland, Jonas Carney and Paul Pisani stand out in my mind, but not sure what team they were on back in the old days.. I do remember a young (15 year old) George Hincapie taking all the honors of every junior crit and then taking a top three or a win in the cat 2-3 races of the same event.. Nowadays I see Gavin Mannion of CCB winning in the same manner and it's like deja-vu. Mark that name down. You'll be hearing it again in the coming years.
Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3

A squirrel is seen in St. James Park in London in this May 2, 2007 file photo. An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured three people in a German town before a 72-year-old pensioner dispatched the rampaging animal with his crutch. REUTERS/Alessia Pierdomenico
This caught my eye only because these vermin in disguise populate the bike path I use to commute, in large numbers. They seem to have a short circuit with determining which side of the path is better, and at what time it's safest to cross. I kill at least one every year with a fatal bike tire across the neck... um.. regrettably.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Bike racer haircut? Pffffffftt!

I resolve to let my hair grow all through the summer, and forbid dear wife to cut our little one's hair as well. Long hair on bike racers is the shit.. and wrist bands. They rock.
Nutmeg Crit: "Not a rankable event" (?)
For a couple of days, I was given (everyone was given) ranking points for the Nutmeg Crit. I actually did well enough to average myself down to 272 points, enough to be ranked 7th in RI.. Then yesterday I discover that it's suddenly "not a rankable event" and that all points are erased. So now my 12 month average of my three best crit results is 295.. Grrrr. Still enough for 7th in Rhode Island, but what gives? These numbers do a great job of motivating me to chew through the handlebars in the last few laps of a crit.. so I'm naturally disappointed.
Functional Threshold: 268
268... that's the number of mean maximal normalized watts I can crank for an hour without blowing my wad. This is established from the [Peaks] Mean Maximal Normalized Power Chart for yesterday's field test ride. We move the cursor over the 60 min point of this chart and the value pops up: 268. Previously, my FT was established using the same chart generated by field test one, except we used the CP20 and deducted 5%, hence the 250. Now that there's a month's history in the MMNP chart, it's best to use the CP60 value.
I believe I could have performed better with more thorough rest, a less demanding work day, and warmer weather. To wit, the first field test was on a nice warm Saturday where I slept in until 10:00. Yesterday was much different.
It still confuses me that there are all of these different wattage numbers.. average, normalized, mean maximal, mean maximal normalized.. They all represent different things.. and you can't just look at your average watts or your peaks for any given ride and expect to see the whole picture.. It's all very confusing to this simple mind.
Hartford Criterium pictures are UP..
at MJSTUART's site.. 230 photos from the Hartford Criterium, and I find only one which includes me. Serves me right for racing in the'nosebleed section' of the field. Apparently he was also at the Nutmeg Criterium and will be posting those pictures within a couple of days.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Field Test No 2 Results..
1 minute=574 watts
5 minute=315
20 minute=256 (264 norm power)
Previous Field Test Values on May 12th:
1 minute=564
5 minute=303
20 minute=234 (262 norm power)
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one using a PT who has it set to record zeroes (while coasting).. Judging from the power levels of others which I read about here and there, it's hard to believe I am so low on the food chain. Makes it seem like a friggin miracle that I can finish a Pro crit or crack top 20 in a master's crit.. I feel like I would have done better if it was warm out.. I had no arm warmers with me and never felt comfortable in the cool 55 degree weather, which felt much colder with the wind.. I also understand that on warmer days, the PT reading can be elevated. Today I had no such advantage.. Oh well, the training program seems to be working. I see decent improvement for just a four week 'build'. Let's see what I can do in time for the New Britain Crit or the Attleboro Crit.. or BOB BEAL! I wonder what my watts were during last year's 3 mile TT.. I also wonder if I could beat that time today, and by how much? I also wonder if it's wise to share this information so freely. Now it's no secret how much I suck! (tongue implanted in cheek) One important distinction: the 20 min watts above represent FT, not the watts I could average for 20 minutes with fresh legs.. The first two one minute efforts take a lot out of you, as does the five minute effort which follows.. Weight is down to 165! Oh my! I was 175 when I did the first field test on 5/12.. What effect does this have on watts? I'm 10 pounds lighter, so it should be easier to do more watts? Or not? ... Whatever.. I miss my Polar HRM, which now resides dormant, at the bottom of my backpack.. Thanks for reading.
5 minute=315
20 minute=256 (264 norm power)
Previous Field Test Values on May 12th:
1 minute=564
5 minute=303
20 minute=234 (262 norm power)
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one using a PT who has it set to record zeroes (while coasting).. Judging from the power levels of others which I read about here and there, it's hard to believe I am so low on the food chain. Makes it seem like a friggin miracle that I can finish a Pro crit or crack top 20 in a master's crit.. I feel like I would have done better if it was warm out.. I had no arm warmers with me and never felt comfortable in the cool 55 degree weather, which felt much colder with the wind.. I also understand that on warmer days, the PT reading can be elevated. Today I had no such advantage.. Oh well, the training program seems to be working. I see decent improvement for just a four week 'build'. Let's see what I can do in time for the New Britain Crit or the Attleboro Crit.. or BOB BEAL! I wonder what my watts were during last year's 3 mile TT.. I also wonder if I could beat that time today, and by how much? I also wonder if it's wise to share this information so freely. Now it's no secret how much I suck! (tongue implanted in cheek) One important distinction: the 20 min watts above represent FT, not the watts I could average for 20 minutes with fresh legs.. The first two one minute efforts take a lot out of you, as does the five minute effort which follows.. Weight is down to 165! Oh my! I was 175 when I did the first field test on 5/12.. What effect does this have on watts? I'm 10 pounds lighter, so it should be easier to do more watts? Or not? ... Whatever.. I miss my Polar HRM, which now resides dormant, at the bottom of my backpack.. Thanks for reading.
Field Test Day!
::Take note of corrections to the recovery times::
I'm cautiously optimistic about discovering a much higher FT value today. On May 12th it was established to be 250 watts. The test goes like this:
20 minute warm-up
1 minute: go as hard as possible
5 minute recovery
1 minute: repeat going as hard as possible
5 minute recovery
5 minutes: all out effort
10 minutes recovery
20 minute time trial
30 minute cool-down//recovery
The 20 minute TT is supposed to give an indication of what the average watts for a 40k or 1 hour TT would be. All of the above is done while seated, no out-of-the-saddle stomping on the pedals allowed.
It's highly doubtful that I'll be at 300 watts, but 275 seems realistic. I don't intend to be looking down at the average watts during the test. Just going to let the PT serve as a flight data recorder. The max avg watts for each duration are established by the software automatically.
I'm cautiously optimistic about discovering a much higher FT value today. On May 12th it was established to be 250 watts. The test goes like this:
20 minute warm-up
1 minute: go as hard as possible
5 minute recovery
1 minute: repeat going as hard as possible
5 minute recovery
5 minutes: all out effort
10 minutes recovery
20 minute time trial
30 minute cool-down//recovery
The 20 minute TT is supposed to give an indication of what the average watts for a 40k or 1 hour TT would be. All of the above is done while seated, no out-of-the-saddle stomping on the pedals allowed.
It's highly doubtful that I'll be at 300 watts, but 275 seems realistic. I don't intend to be looking down at the average watts during the test. Just going to let the PT serve as a flight data recorder. The max avg watts for each duration are established by the software automatically.
Wells Avenue Criterium Video June 3 2007
I'll embed it later. Shows better in "original" size. I added some interesting music, all from the soundtrack of the movie "Gegen die Wand" ("Head On"), which is something I highly recommend putting in your Netflix que. Subtitles. Has won numerous awards. See it.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sweatbands are in! Tennis players can't be wrong

I'll be going to Glastonbury and then Hartford shortly.. Took the shortcut to work this morning because sleep was feeling too good. Only 8 miles in. My hand is still numb and my crotch is still sore. Nice video of the cat 3 Nutmeg Criterium over at Sprinter della casa. Even the crash at the end which included Paul Curley can be seen.. Hopefully he and others who fell are not hurt badly.
In other news.. sweat bands for your wrist are back! I'll take full credit for making it hip again to use your wrist to catch nose drippings and wipe away sweat. I find mine at TJ Maxx or Marshalls for $1.99.. PONY.. In the winter I find that my gloves get very abrasive, so these arm bands are way soft and easy on the nose. Get some. Be cool. Don't be a dingus and wear two at a time though.. Let the revolution begin.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Nutmeg Criterium 2007 results...
...are found here. I'm thinking 26th out of 91 finishers in the 35+ is nothing to cry about... but it proves that having great legs is not the answer to an excellent result. Reading the competition, positioning in the field and nerves of steel are equally as important. Wet, slick conditions held me back (the watts are quite telling of this) as did the blurred vision due to my mistake of wearing glasses.. Big mistake.. Took them off for the 30+.
Time for some training crits! Also on deck this week, another FIELD TEST to assess the increase in watts over the past five weeks. That's gonna hurt.. but I can't wait.
Overuse Injuries: Hand and Skin
According to a book called High Performance Cycling, by Asker E. Jeukendrup, the two issues which flared up for me during the Nutmeg Criterium have names:
Cyclist's Palsy: "The common cause is a compression of the fibers of the ulnar nerve as it enters the hand through the canal of Guyon, which is situated on the medial (little finger) side of the wrist.. Ulnar nerve compression producing sensory symptoms or muscular weakness has been recognized in cyclists for more than 100 years with the first case reported in 1896."
Third Testes: "Subcutaneous nodules are unique to elite and pro male cyclists. They typically form on each side of the midline, just posterior to the scrotum. Because of their appearance and position, cyclists sometimes refer to them as a "third testis". The lesions are pseudocysts that contain little cellular material. They develop in areas of aseptic pressure necrosis in the superficial peroneal fascia and are due to chronic microtrauma of the perineum related to pressure from the saddle.."
I have both. Two medial fingers are numb and weak. (So much for "ergonomic handlebars!)
Aaaaaand there's blood in my shorts. It finally ruptured tonight while watching Sopranos. Must have been when Phil Leotardo's head was crushed like a melon. Now I gotta worry about infection too!
So in summary.. racing on the wet Nutmeg course with 100+ guys, many of whom should be named "Shifty", "Drifty" and "Brakey", caused me to have a white knuckle death grip on the bars.. And I raced so hard for so long on the nose of my saddle that I mutilated the soft tissues behind the nutsack. Oh joy.
Cyclist's Palsy: "The common cause is a compression of the fibers of the ulnar nerve as it enters the hand through the canal of Guyon, which is situated on the medial (little finger) side of the wrist.. Ulnar nerve compression producing sensory symptoms or muscular weakness has been recognized in cyclists for more than 100 years with the first case reported in 1896."
Third Testes: "Subcutaneous nodules are unique to elite and pro male cyclists. They typically form on each side of the midline, just posterior to the scrotum. Because of their appearance and position, cyclists sometimes refer to them as a "third testis". The lesions are pseudocysts that contain little cellular material. They develop in areas of aseptic pressure necrosis in the superficial peroneal fascia and are due to chronic microtrauma of the perineum related to pressure from the saddle.."
I have both. Two medial fingers are numb and weak. (So much for "ergonomic handlebars!)
Aaaaaand there's blood in my shorts. It finally ruptured tonight while watching Sopranos. Must have been when Phil Leotardo's head was crushed like a melon. Now I gotta worry about infection too!
So in summary.. racing on the wet Nutmeg course with 100+ guys, many of whom should be named "Shifty", "Drifty" and "Brakey", caused me to have a white knuckle death grip on the bars.. And I raced so hard for so long on the nose of my saddle that I mutilated the soft tissues behind the nutsack. Oh joy.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Miles and stuff
Nutmeg Criterium Results
Yesterday had it's share of good and bad.. and I'll tell you more later.. For now:
26th in the 35+ (105 starters)
20th in the 30+ (around 70 starters)
44th in the Pro-3 (91 starters)
Yeah nothing but a few anonymous mid-pack finishes, hardly worth mention, but there's more to it than that. That's 80 miles of crit racing in one day.. Including warm-ups and cool-downs, 100+ miles.
26th in the 35+ (105 starters)
20th in the 30+ (around 70 starters)
44th in the Pro-3 (91 starters)
Yeah nothing but a few anonymous mid-pack finishes, hardly worth mention, but there's more to it than that. That's 80 miles of crit racing in one day.. Including warm-ups and cool-downs, 100+ miles.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Why is it so hard to tell..
..if you're fully rested? No way to find out for absolute certain unless you get into a race and start drillin'it. Maybe I'm just a dumb f--k, maybe not, but I can't friggin tell if this "rest week" has me feeling fresher and stronger than four weeks ago, or four days ago.. Tomorrow is a big test.. Three races.. 30+, 35+ and Pro..and I'm keen on who has done well at previous editions of the Nutmeg Crit. I intend to be all over them like a bad suit.. Coach believes I'll be flying tomorrow. I have no choice but to believe him. I also have my eye on leapfrogging a couple of Rhode Islanders in the RI Masters Criterium Rankings. I know.. it's cheesy to care about this stuff.. but no one falls ass-backwards into a decent ranking.. even in a tiny state like ours. Good luck to everyone. Please no rain!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The "secret" to losing weight...(?)
.. according to the "Man Show" is STOP EATING SO MUCH!
Seriously.. one of the most enlightening and simple weight loss principles which my coach shared with me was this:
"Don't eat until you feel full.. instead eat until you are no longer hungry."
I may be repeating myself here.. but that's okay because it's worth repeating. Lately I find myself eating every 1-3 hours, instead of every 5-6 hours. (and no, it's not Kozy Shack or Shift bars or yogurt..) My office is well stocked with snacks such as fruit and pretzels and Powerbars (the "Nut Naturals" kind.. original Powerbars make me gassy) Stoking the fire every couple of hours keeps away that overwhelming hunger which makes us tend to overfill to the point where we can no longer breath as freely as we did before eating..
As bike racers, we often feel that all the calories we burn (according to out PTs and HRMs), is a license to stuff ourselves until we can't eat another bite.. No.
Keep the meals small and frequent. Avoid fried foods and fast food.. eat less bread.. add more protein.. moderate the fat and the carbs a little bit. weight loss will be yours.
Of course riding your bike at least 2 hours a day helps too.
When I returned from California, I weighed a surprising 180 pounds! That's after five days of training and a day of racing at Long Beach.. I weighed less before I went out there!.. Kind of bothered me, but some of this was from the bloating which eating at restaurants causes, all the salt they add to the food to mask staleness and add flavor..
Sure May was a huge month for me, with the addition of a coach, a Powertap, 60 hours of training, over 1000 miles etc.. But the frequency and amount I ate in that time was a very big factor.
Eat until you are no longer hungry... Try it.
I'm down to 167 and still losing... and I don't look like this in my skinsuit anymore:

Time for Timer.. and the Family Guy version
Vandenbroucke attempts suicide.. Quick Step raided..
Vandenbroucke in grave condition after suicide attempt I was just thumbing through a 1999 issue of "Winning" this morning and saw an article about VDB being the shit.. So sad to hear this news.
Nutmeg Criterium Video 2006
This is a very short clip of the Nutmeg Criterium in Walnut Hill Park CT.. this is either the 30+ or the 35+ event. I did quite poorly last year, finishing in the 30s and 40s overall. It goes without saying that I intend to do better this weekend. Keeping an eye on the weather forecasts though.. I won't pre-reg until I know it's gonna be dry. I can't embed from work, but if anyone else wants to, feel free.
How'd you like that wind last night on the ride home, Ge?
It's funny how my HR while riding to work is in the 120s and riding home it's around 100. Says a lot about where we want to be, eh? This morning, only one green light out of about ten intersections. This happens mostly on rest days where I'm putzing along.. just miss the greens by about 5 seconds. I did not race Ninigret last night, though originally I was intending to. Too tired. Need rest and sleep. In fact, I went to bed right after dinner last night, like around 7:30. What a difference a few extra hours makes. I actually don't mind being at work.
Here are the 2006 Nutmeg Criterium results.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Floyd Landis and AJ Soprano
Am I the only one who sees a resemblance between these two? Think on it if you plan to watch the final episode this Sunday on HBO.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
It will be a few more days..
..before I have time to polish up the race video from Wells Ave. I was up late last night listing some old woodworking tools on ebay.. I need money! Bike racing is expensive. I'm also selling a used Thule pick-up truck rack with two bike mounts. $50 anyone? I can bring it to the Ninigret Crit tomorrow.. I'm off to Boston for now.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Dying of boredom

Focus: none. Energy: none. Motivation: none. Alertness: none
It sucks to be paid very well to do something which gives no satisfaction whatsoever.
It's been over two years since I had a real vacation- which was a two week trip to Turkey.. on the south coast in one of the many All-inclusive resorts.. Did you know that they have built a replica of both the Kremlin and of the Topkapi palaces? Above is a picture of Club Zigana, where we spent a few days back in 1999. Yes there are awesome roads to ride the bike, up in those mountains... and many roaming packs of wild dogs..
Some priceless video footage..
..was obtained Sunday at Wells Ave.. featuring our esteemed Nega-Coach, Solobreak on my wheel. Pre-race, I thought he looked familiar.. but the hair was a tad longish, compared to the clippers video.. he also looks taller in person.. and the glasses, no bug-eyed glasses on. It wasn't until I heard the old man's voice that I felt sure of who he was. Anyway.. I intend to create a separate video featuring only the SB himself, unless he objects. My way of giving back for the nega coaching we've enjoyed, er.. been subjected to.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Wells Ave today: on video
Grrrr. All the fussing with the on-board camera.. and I didn't do it right this time. The camera was pointed a tad too high, so you could only see those who were on my wheel, and not beyond.. I'm pissed. Plus the overcast skies did not give a great picture, but I can get it brighter. This is going to take a lot of editing to get it right. Be patient.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Summary of today's LSD ride
When I left the house at 6:30 this morning, the plan was not to ride 87 miles.. it was to ride for 3-1/2 hours at endurance pace with about an hour of tempo pace thrown in someplace. I ended up riding for over 4-1/2 hours, and I felt pretty darn good afterwards.. Like I could go for another few hours. I weighed in at 169 when I left the house, and weighed in at 166 when I got home. Drank three bottle of water, ate one apple and one bag of Sports Beans the whole time. No hunger, No bonking, No cramping. Long steady distance.
Here's what the Powertap recorded:
Entire workout (165 watts):
Duration: 4:38:45
Work: 2738 kJ
TSS: 316 (intensity factor 0.827)
Norm Power: 207
VI: 1.26
Distance: 87.544 mi
Power: 165 watts
Heart rate: 141 bpm
Cadence: 87 rpm
Speed: 19.0 mph
Broke a few personal best watts for the 10 sec, 20 sec and 30 sec values. Must have been during the small climb.. This was an easy ride. 80 minutes to the bike shop by myself, then waiting for everyone to show for about 20 minutes, then 2 hours endur/tempo with the team, another 10 minutes at the shop, then another 80 minutes home, interrupted only by a quick flat repair. (That's two days in a row- those Vredestein Fortezza tires SUCK- I'm sticking with Conti 4 seasons or the new 4000s- indestructible- the Fortezzas seem to be made of recycled Band-Aids.. my fingernail brushes the tire and I get a flat with those shit Vredesteins)
Looking to set all new CP values across the board tomorrow at Wells Ave.. I may be a little sore though.. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow night. Thanks for reading.
Here's what the Powertap recorded:
Entire workout (165 watts):
Duration: 4:38:45
Work: 2738 kJ
TSS: 316 (intensity factor 0.827)
Norm Power: 207
VI: 1.26
Distance: 87.544 mi
Power: 165 watts
Heart rate: 141 bpm
Cadence: 87 rpm
Speed: 19.0 mph
Broke a few personal best watts for the 10 sec, 20 sec and 30 sec values. Must have been during the small climb.. This was an easy ride. 80 minutes to the bike shop by myself, then waiting for everyone to show for about 20 minutes, then 2 hours endur/tempo with the team, another 10 minutes at the shop, then another 80 minutes home, interrupted only by a quick flat repair. (That's two days in a row- those Vredestein Fortezza tires SUCK- I'm sticking with Conti 4 seasons or the new 4000s- indestructible- the Fortezzas seem to be made of recycled Band-Aids.. my fingernail brushes the tire and I get a flat with those shit Vredesteins)
Looking to set all new CP values across the board tomorrow at Wells Ave.. I may be a little sore though.. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow night. Thanks for reading.
Friday, June 01, 2007
The Last Word
Yes I will be video-recording Wells Ave on Sunday. Get on my wheel if you want to see yourself hammering. Friday afternoon rides home from work are always an exercise in survival. That day I was hit by a car last summer.. a Friday. I'd leave NOW if my conscience would permit. This weekend I resolve to teach my mom how to ride a bike- she's visiting with us right now.. No one should be deprived of such a thing as bike riding. She's just never had access to a bike or a chance or the courage or the desire.. I'll give her all of those things on Saturday, in a grassy field with a gentle slope.. Take the pedals off and let her coast until she gets the hang of it. No spare tire! I guess I'll leave the pump at work.. Cell phone is a reliable bail-out in case of a flat. Then again, I need that pump for tomorrow's 3-1/2 hour ride. Shoot I need a spare tube too.. Crap on a stick.. This will be a 300 mile week. Still haven't sold that epx carbon bike... Full Campy, Rolf Vector Pros, nice ride.. maybe parting it out on ebay will bring me more dough.. I'm hungry.. Had a Kashi bar, one croisant, and a small Quiznos sub all day.. skipped the Raisin Bran this morning for lack of time.. A nice fat-burning ride home on deadly congested roads awaits me.. or I'm waiting for it.. for 5 o'clock to happen, that is. Good luck to all who are racing this weekend.. and if you're at Wells, smile for the camera.
Silent but deadly.. ?
Riding in to work this morning.. on the bike path.. and I spy two turtles, about 8 feet apart, digging holes behind them presumably for the deposit of eggs. These things were big- about the size of a bike helmet.. So I double back to get a closer look. When I'm satisfied that I've beaten them both in our respective staring contests, I head towards work. Bike feels weird.. Bouncy.. I look down and see that the air in my rear tire is making a slow exit. (and you thought I was going to write about flatulence?) Confound it.. I hate changing tires that are covered with the intestines of caterpillars and the rotting petals of spring flowers.. It's bad enough that I'm late for work because I had to take out the trash and the recycling in a mad dash to the curb while the sanitation guy waited for me... Now I had a legitimate excuse though, so I call in and let my masters know that I'm running late.. That mini carbon pump is not good for anything over 90 pounds, that's for sure. What a difference 10-20 pounds makes. Kept looking down because the ride felt so soft.. So I'll be riding home sans spare tube tonight (I don't carry patch kits- I'm no good at using them- in fact there's about 20 flatted tubes hanging in the garage- I can afford to just keep buying new ones- especially after a similar program I followed with tubulars for about 20 years- inner tubes are chump change)
Last night's ride- two twenty minute intervals with a 15 minute spin in between, consisting of 2 minute criss-cross between CP12 and CP60. Ouch. My watts are nothing to write home about, but the improvement which the Peaks software indicates for the last 4 weeks is pretty good, even without any substantial rest in all this time. Next week is rest week. Nothing over zone 3.. until Nutmeg of course.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Pardon my bad attitude
Don't mean to bird-dog anyone with my last rant.. I'm just on edge about things at work and about my dad.. who is very ill.. There's a lot on my plate these days and this is where I vent at times that I can't take out my frustrations on the bike. Thank you for reading. Comments since last post much appreciated. (I can't comment in Blogger from work.. Have to resort to posting via e-mail.. my head is totally not into work right now, I'm here in the flesh only, heart and mind is someplace else)
Today's post
I've just returned from a day trip to Falmouth where I am managing a $1.5 million project. A hearty serving of Szechuan shrimp and fried rice now occupies my stomach. Oh so satisfying. Almost went to Haruki for some sushi, but that get's kind of pricey. Bit down on my tongue something fierce this morning while eating. There was blood. Nothing breaks my intense concentration of enjoying good food more than inadvertant tongue biting. It's like Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde kind of pain.
This is the fourth week of a solid training build and my legs really look forward to next week's series of sissy rest rides in preparation for the Nutmeg Criterium on Saturday. The month of May should total about 1000 miles by the time I complete tonight's ride home from work. Saturday is a 3-1/2 hour endurance ride. Not sure where I'll be going with that one. If anyone has compatible intensity/duration plans for Saturday, let's meet up in the early AM. Don't everyone write me all at once!: reiscotools at yahoo dot com.
Sunday I will not be driving three hours north for the RR and crit offered up there. Instead I hope to race at Wells Ave, presuming that traffic issues and weather permit. It's been many weeks and I'm anxious to test out the legs. Might even video record the race in the rear facing mode. Speaking of videos, the Hartford Crit video is getting a healthy amount of traffic.. And these days I can't help but notice [via Sitemeter] that many people are seeking photographs from that event. Well I happen to have a few in my Flickr badge, but nothing worth framing. I remember seeing a photographer at the race, taking zoom shots with a big lens. If anyone knows who that was, or if they have a website, please let me know because like many others, I would also like to get a decent pic of myself in action (in pain).
Which reminds me.. these race videos I'm recording and sharing are [regrettably] among the most thankless and unsatisfying things I've ever done. I never get to see myself, and on top of that those who do benefit or enjoy the vids don't bother to let you know it. Why bother? Well, because no one else is doing it, and someone should be.. So I continue, on a discretionary basis. And while I'm on the subject of thanklessness, let me touch upon the matter of reciprocity... Never mind... Just don't be surprised to see that my Blogroll has diminished in size. To me, failure to reciprocate seems the equivalent of refusing to answer the door when someone knocks, and they know you're home. You try to be a good neighbor.. like a Ned Flanders would be... and... nothing. Enough of that shit. Many thanks to those who do care enough to copy/paste/modify a simple line of code.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Stefano Garzelli celebrates on the Stage 16 Giro d'Italia podium
Italian rider Stefano Garzelli celebrates on the podium after the 16th stage of the Giro d'Italia from Agordo to Lienz in Austria May 29, 2007. (AUSTRIA) REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hartford Criterium of 2007: Pro-1-2 Race Video
As promised! I stayed up quite late getting this completed and uploaded to Google. The brightness and contrast is good, but Google compresses the file and we lose some resolution. Nothing we can do about that.. unless we burn the original uncompressed file to a DVD...
A note about comments. If you view this video at the Google website (click on the title above) then you can leave comments there and give everyone a heads up of when your team mates are in view. Simply indicat the "minutes: seconds" and Google turns it into a clickable link which takes visitors there automatically. In addition, please take a few seconds to click on my sponsor links, both here and at I make a few pennies with each click, and it costs you nothing. Thanks for watching. Hope you will share the link to this page with your friends. Many thanks.
A note about comments. If you view this video at the Google website (click on the title above) then you can leave comments there and give everyone a heads up of when your team mates are in view. Simply indicat the "minutes: seconds" and Google turns it into a clickable link which takes visitors there automatically. In addition, please take a few seconds to click on my sponsor links, both here and at I make a few pennies with each click, and it costs you nothing. Thanks for watching. Hope you will share the link to this page with your friends. Many thanks.
Hartford Criterium Race Report: Pro-3
I can't say that this race was much different than the 30+ event, except for a few exceptions. 40 laps instead of 25, 28.5 mph average instead of 27.5, 125 starters instead of 100, and NO time spent [by yours truly] even remotely close to the front of the field. We seemed to be strung out over 1/2 the course at all times.. making it appear quite daunting to even consider moving up there. I do not have a good history with Pro races.. and do not remember finishing a Pro crit in a long time. Seems whenever I tried them, I was pitifully lacking in power, plus I would just plain get psyched out by the 140 pound young guns with their teams of six to eight racers. I was in it for the training and nothing more, this much is certain. Of course the big motivator during the first 30 minutes was to fill up my handlebar cam with some race footage. After that, it takes a certain desire to suffer back in the nose bleed section, in order to finish. Towards the end, during the last ten laps or so, I was really getting thrashed, and really beginning to feel the 750 miles of the past three weeks in my legs. Ultimately I found myself in Gap City, back where about a dozen or so riders are hanging on by a thread, handling their bikes sloppily because they're tired, and generally just getting in eachother's way trying to survive. With four to go someone flatted in the sweeping corner with all the cracks and bumps.. My luck, I'm behind this guy (who properly raised his hand) but that little bit of hesitation and care in trying to get around him.. really cost me. There was a sudden need to drill it to regain contact and stay connected. This took a lot out of me, as I was already at my limit. Coming up the finish straight with two to go, a Good Samaritan took pity on my ineffective thrashing on the pedals and gave me a push, a nice one, and I stayed in contact. G-d bless him. Wish I took note of his number so I could look him up and give him credit. I finished at the tail end of the field, completely gassed, and might not have made it without that little push.. Many thanks..
I was using a heavy Powertap wheel and carrying a 1 pound camera on my handlebars.. For what it's worth, I would have preferred my Easton rear wheel and no camera, for a mental edge if nothing else.
Video is complete, but it's taking 40 minutes to save it, then uploading to Google takes another hour, and they take a few hours to review it and approve.. Hopefully worth the wait. I added some decent music (I don't have a huge selection, so it's not exactly what I want, but I try to pick pieces which add some suspense or excitement to the footage) At least during the first 30 minutes I'm not way at the back.. more like about 2/3s back, so there's a good rotation of riders which you'll see in there. Well.. their asses anyway. Pointing the camera in reverse has it's advantages. Thought I'd try it forwards this time, so you see what I see. You'll also see all the holes I could have used to gain position, if only I was strong enough to.. Thanks for reading.
I was using a heavy Powertap wheel and carrying a 1 pound camera on my handlebars.. For what it's worth, I would have preferred my Easton rear wheel and no camera, for a mental edge if nothing else.
Video is complete, but it's taking 40 minutes to save it, then uploading to Google takes another hour, and they take a few hours to review it and approve.. Hopefully worth the wait. I added some decent music (I don't have a huge selection, so it's not exactly what I want, but I try to pick pieces which add some suspense or excitement to the footage) At least during the first 30 minutes I'm not way at the back.. more like about 2/3s back, so there's a good rotation of riders which you'll see in there. Well.. their asses anyway. Pointing the camera in reverse has it's advantages. Thought I'd try it forwards this time, so you see what I see. You'll also see all the holes I could have used to gain position, if only I was strong enough to.. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hartford Criterium Race Report: 30+
Since it will take about 25 minutes to upload the crit video to Windows Movie Maker, I have some time to kill while I wait.
Masters 30+: This was a very short 25 lap race with a completely full field of 100. Now that I'm being coached by one who puts more emphasis on training than racing (since I have a lot of catching up to do, according to my power meter) I did a three hour endurance ride yesterday, with a little bit of tempo mixed in the middle. Had I told the coach that this was an "A" race for me, the approach would have been different. Today's race was for training, not for a result other than finishing. So I went into it relaxed, without pressure to thrash myself at the front the whole time, or make risky and dangerous moves. I moved around in the field as much as I could, trying to get better at the art of positioning-at-will (something I'm working on) Took a couple of digs at the front, wasting energy and watts and power.. The second attempt was a complete mis-fire, but with good intentions. With about three laps to go I resolved to get my ass to the front. Yoink- a big gap opens up with guys shooting through it, so I follow. Next thing you know I'm out in "Wonderland" trying to decide whether to drill it for all it's worth (with 1-1/2 laps to go), or sit up and hastily take cover for a lap and prepare for a sprint where I had a remote but not impossible chance of beating 80-90 guys to the line.. What do I do? A little of both, but a day late and a dollar short. I dangle off the front momentarily while the field looks upon me like I'm a bucket of "chum".
"He who hesitates, is lost".
In hindsight, (duh) I should have held back and saved it for the last 200 meters. Should have sat up as soon as I reached the front of the field and fought for a wheel.. Instead I blasted out some obcene wattage for about a minute [for no reason] and then I was swallowed up and nearly spit out the back. Just dug in for the last lap and held my crappy field position through the finish. Somewhere mid-field. No regrets. I won't beat myself up for trying something.. but then again, it's hard to refrain from wondering what could have been.
Upload complete!
Masters 30+: This was a very short 25 lap race with a completely full field of 100. Now that I'm being coached by one who puts more emphasis on training than racing (since I have a lot of catching up to do, according to my power meter) I did a three hour endurance ride yesterday, with a little bit of tempo mixed in the middle. Had I told the coach that this was an "A" race for me, the approach would have been different. Today's race was for training, not for a result other than finishing. So I went into it relaxed, without pressure to thrash myself at the front the whole time, or make risky and dangerous moves. I moved around in the field as much as I could, trying to get better at the art of positioning-at-will (something I'm working on) Took a couple of digs at the front, wasting energy and watts and power.. The second attempt was a complete mis-fire, but with good intentions. With about three laps to go I resolved to get my ass to the front. Yoink- a big gap opens up with guys shooting through it, so I follow. Next thing you know I'm out in "Wonderland" trying to decide whether to drill it for all it's worth (with 1-1/2 laps to go), or sit up and hastily take cover for a lap and prepare for a sprint where I had a remote but not impossible chance of beating 80-90 guys to the line.. What do I do? A little of both, but a day late and a dollar short. I dangle off the front momentarily while the field looks upon me like I'm a bucket of "chum".
"He who hesitates, is lost".
In hindsight, (duh) I should have held back and saved it for the last 200 meters. Should have sat up as soon as I reached the front of the field and fought for a wheel.. Instead I blasted out some obcene wattage for about a minute [for no reason] and then I was swallowed up and nearly spit out the back. Just dug in for the last lap and held my crappy field position through the finish. Somewhere mid-field. No regrets. I won't beat myself up for trying something.. but then again, it's hard to refrain from wondering what could have been.
Upload complete!
Hartford Criterium: Pro-1-2-3 race footage video coming up!
It looks pretty sweet, at least before it's compressed by Google.. Today I finished both the 30+ and the Pro race.. not with much if any distinction, but happy to finish both.. and score the video footage. Stay tuned for "Ass-vertising" galore. Stay tuned.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Still using the Polar software!
I can't help it. After three seasons of data accumulation, looking back at the history is pretty damn convenient and informative. Now I have the Powertap's "PowerAgent" software, which is horrible. It can't execute a simple click without choking for about 5 seconds. I tried to upgrade to PowerAgent 7, but that failed completely. I have a few more days of trial period left with the WKO+ Cycling Peaks software, which is marginally better than the PowerAgent. Maybe I'm just not used to it. Not terribly interested in blowing another $75 to buy it. That said..
I just looked at my mileage for the season, to date, and here is how it compares to years past, Jan1 thru May 25:
2003: 573 miles
2005: 685 miles
2006: 1029 miles
2007: 2151 miles
Training time:
2003: 49 hours
2005: 49 hours
2006: 55 hours
2007: 133 hours
I just looked at my mileage for the season, to date, and here is how it compares to years past, Jan1 thru May 25:
2003: 573 miles
2005: 685 miles
2006: 1029 miles
2007: 2151 miles
Training time:
2003: 49 hours
2005: 49 hours
2006: 55 hours
2007: 133 hours
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Doping: Murat's brain droppings on the subject
I've never used cocaine in my life. Something I'm proud of, but let me clarify. I've never been in the same room as cocaine before either, so claiming such a distinction isn't as big a deal is it? Maybe in my younger days if someone offered it to me, I would have accepted. Probably not- I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt on that one.. Today, of course definitely not..
What about doping? Performance enhancing chemicals? I've never used any of that stuff either. But again, it's never been accessible to me either. I've never known one who uses. I've never been offered a gel pack of testosterone. Again, I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt there too.. Not interested. My life doesn't depend upon winning races. That's the definition of "amateur" after all.. It means "for the love of".. Love of what? Love of "bike racing".. Our sport isn't called "Winning Bike Races". If it was, then about 90 percent of us amateurs would find ourselves in the wrong sport.
I guess I'm trying to look at the situation in the Pro ranks subjectively. If you made your living, supported a family, and put food on the table by racing a bike, and if someone offered you a holy grail to job security, fame, fortune, glory.. how strong would you be to resist such temptation? What if you were a "low level pro"? Struggling with anonymity and relegated to what amounts to pack fodder? Just thinking out loud here. The vast majority of us who have never doped can be proud of racing clean and all, but bird-dogging and condemning every pro who has.. seems a little bit offsides to me. Until we've "raced a mile in their shoes", we're really in no position to judge their actions so harshly and so dismissively. Just getting to the level where doping enhances a pro's results, takes a very large level of natural talent, hard work and determination. This goes without saying. Those of us who haven't traveled that road and hit our glass ceiling of performance and results, have little or nothing of value to add to this controversy. Do I condone the use of drugs in sport? Certainly not. I'm simply taking a more emphatic, less ignorant view.
There are 1000 and 1 factors which enhance/diminish/affect performance. Training time and quality, disposable income, coaching, a supportive family, an accommodating work schedule or employer, sponsor support, equipment quality, geographic location, genetics, age, nationality, height, weight, body mass index, power.. or owning a Powertap, VO2 max, being free from disease, mental disposition, etc etc et al. How many of these factors are favorable for every single one of us? Or rather, for how many of us is every factor favorable? Which of them are in our direct control, which are not? Has doping evolved into one of the factors which are in our direct control? I like to think not, but such a denial seems delusional right now.
One thing is clear. None of the above named factors are ever considered to be unfair advantages or disadvantages, even the ones which we have some control over.
Food for thought.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Stressin' the engine.
Feeling the effects, or at least starting to. My ass is dragging this afternoon. Almost not looking forward to two hours of endurance pace after I leave this hell-hole. If not for the superb weather, I might have considered riding stright home, the short way. Maybe I ate too much at lunch time and just paying the price for it. Feel lethargic and heavy right now, when in fact I've finally broken the 170 pound barrier. I'm 169 in the AM, after breakfast and after my DME. All registered for the Hartford Crit, 35+ and Pro.. Looking forward to a result that's better than 20th for a change.. Team mate and Cinderella Man Neil Hull will be in the 35+ with me. Hope to see him continue to set a good example for me as one who can sprint pretty damn well.. The Pro event? Best to go into it with fun in mind, because all I really want to do is motorpace for 50 miles/laps/whatever. Pre-reg at the Cyclonauts Crit on Memorial Day is pretty light so far. I remember last year there was a very strong turn-out. What's up with that? One thing I liked about pre-reg for Hartford is that ALL events are $25 and that a 2nd race is only $15 more. Nice. As it should be. I see that fellow millworker Tom Officer is in there, Masters and Pro events. Fellow Amerikan Turk Turgut Balikci will be doing double duty in two masters races as well. Hope to meet him between events. Who else is going? I may enter our little one into the children's race. He's fast, even using a bike that has no pedals.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
USA Cycling Masters Criterium Rankings for Rhode Island
Bill Yabroudy tops the list of 45 total masters (all ages). I find myself in the top ten and hope to push upward a little bit after this weekend. Top ten beats a sharp stick in the eye I guess. I don't know how many people follow this stuff, but I find that it gives me a little motivation to "dig, fight and chew through the handlebars" in the final sprint, even if I know I'm out of the money. How will this list look after Hartford and Cyclonauts? I think it's worth watching. My money's on Bill to hold his position for the rest of the season. Can I scoot myself up to 6th or 7th? It's within reach I think, with a little bit of luck and some smart racing.
Still kind of tired
Very little and very poor quality sleep last night, and man I feel it today.. Overslept and drove the wife's minivan to work this morning. Then at lunch I bolted home, suited up and rode back to work. Now I can ride home and do all those nasty intervals which coach has prescribed. 20 min WU, 10 min FT, 5 min spin, 15 min FT, 10 min spin, 5 min FT ending at FT+5%, then 20 min spin 120-140 watts to cool down. Sounds easy.. until about 5 minutes into the first interval, then all of those miles I've been churning for the past two weeks will really catch up with me. I'm right in the center of a period, and in two more weeks I'll be in recovery mode in advance of Nutmeg Criterium and Keith Berger Criterium (which isn't on Bikereg???? What's up with that?)
This weekend: Hartford Criterium (my first time) to test the legs and the watts, followed by the Cyclonauts Criterium, where last year I was caught behind a crash with only two laps to go.. I promised Mike Norton that I would record the Cyclonauts race. Hopefully it's a bright sunny day on Monday or else the footage will suck.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Marco Pinotti: An unflattering photo of the Giro d' Italia leader
Thanks to... last night's episode of The Sopranos.. Am I the only one who sees that suicidal AJ bears a very strong resemblance to Floyd Landis?
Italian rider Marco Pinotti celebrates on the podium after the eighth stage of the Giro d'Italia cycling race, 200 km (124 miles) from Barberino di Mugello to Fiorano Modenese, May 20, 2007. Norwegian rider Kurt-Asle Arvesen won the stage while Pinotti took the leader's pink jersey. (ITALY) REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Numerous crashes in todays Pro-1-2 event at North Stonington.. made me wonder if getting shelled early spared me from some potentially heavy skin loss and other injury. I saw at least two ambulances and guys on stretchers. Made a training day out of it, but threw in the towel after 7 laps (of 12). Rode 212 miles for the week, 245 miles the week prior. Ouch. Yesterday was a three hour slog in the rain and drizzle at endurance pace (180 watts) Probably contributed to today's melt-down, but the plan was to stress the engine today, not to get on the podium. When you can't go any faster, you just can't. No amount of prayer or begging to the Gods of Wattage will help. Pro-1-2 races are tough. With only a few other exceptions besides myself, this 36 year old felt like the only old fart in the field. Looking forward to doing a masters crit soon.. Road races.. Grrrrr.
Friday, May 18, 2007
North Stonington Pre-ride Feedback
Seems I wasn't the only one training on the race course yesterday.. Ran into a couple of other riders.. Had to apologize to one of them for seeming unsociable, as it's hard to chit-chat while doing one minute on/one minute off intervals in rapid succession.. Also very hard to hold watts on such a rolling course. You're either getting into your granny gear or into the 53x14 to keep it pegged where you're supposed to. Still, it was great to see the course and inspect it's surface and scope out the "hill". At only five miles around, I think I can really get my head into this event. The "hill" seems to rise about 125-150 feet in 1 km, but it's really just a series of short rises with some flat relief in between them. I didn't try it in the big ring, but I imagine that with fresh enough legs, one could power to the top and easily open a gap on the little-ringers. Beautiful scenic course.. kind of narrow, no yellow line on a lot of it, might be a little hard to gain position, or easy to lose position if you're on the wrong wheel (like mine!). Kidding. I self-depracate with tongue in cheek, of couse. I think I'll have the legs to be there at the finish, which is at the top of the climb. There's a hairy fast corner at the bottom of the descent, when we turn onto Hangman Hill Road. We'll be flying through that turn.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Succinctly speaking..
I will be training on the North Stonington course later today.. caught in yesterday's rain storm while riding in Coventry after work.. pushed my luck.. got drenched.. rode 5 minutes to work this AM when I realized I forgot to take out the trash.. was under-dressed anyway, so I doubled back, took care of trash, added skull cap, wind breaker and changed shoes.. yeah my spare shoes felt too weird.. one cleat was loose.. preferred to wear the wet shoes BION.. Rode in to work late too.. one minute intervals at FT scheduled for tonight.. ten in a row with one minute recovery in between.. then another three later on at FT +5% for good measure.. one min recoveries.. fretting about the hill at Stonington a little bit.. maybe better not to see it?.. but I hate surprises. This one is supposed to be about 1 km.. I should be able to handle it. The watts will be interesting to see.. comparing today to race day.. 170.5 pounds! Almost there.. 160s here I come! Weight loss has been slow and steady since February.. There's a 150 pound person beneath all of this flubber. Ciao!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
North Stonington Classic: I'm in (?)
I've been directed to do the Pro-1-2-3 event at the North Stonington Classic this Sunday. I'm apprehensive, nervous, wringing my hands about it, yet still cautiously optimistic. Road races are not my thing, especially if they're over 50 miles and include a 1 km climb. Coach says it will do me good to give it my best shot AND complete it at tempo pace if/when I get shelled. "Finish what you start" ;)
So I will pass on the 35+, which is potentially just as fast, but half the distance. Voice in my head thunders that this is the wrong move, but I guess it's for a training benefit, more so than a result. I hope not to be an early casualty. Every ounce of my being will go into selecting a solid wheel and not letting go, especially on the climb. I do like the start time very much though: 2:00 pm. Means I can get a full 8-9 hours of sleep, which is rare.
I don't know what I'm so afraid of, my form isn't that horrible right now. I'd venture to say that I'm not that far from my condition at the Topsfield race last September, where I got 23rd in the P-1-2-3 event. (I know I keep bringing that up, but realize that was only the second road race I'd done since 1995, so it was huge for me to finish something other than a crit for a change, even if it required me to sit-in the whole time in order to survive) Yeah, I know, I don't do that great in crits either, but I enjoy them a whole lot more.
So I will pass on the 35+, which is potentially just as fast, but half the distance. Voice in my head thunders that this is the wrong move, but I guess it's for a training benefit, more so than a result. I hope not to be an early casualty. Every ounce of my being will go into selecting a solid wheel and not letting go, especially on the climb. I do like the start time very much though: 2:00 pm. Means I can get a full 8-9 hours of sleep, which is rare.
I don't know what I'm so afraid of, my form isn't that horrible right now. I'd venture to say that I'm not that far from my condition at the Topsfield race last September, where I got 23rd in the P-1-2-3 event. (I know I keep bringing that up, but realize that was only the second road race I'd done since 1995, so it was huge for me to finish something other than a crit for a change, even if it required me to sit-in the whole time in order to survive) Yeah, I know, I don't do that great in crits either, but I enjoy them a whole lot more.
Introducing: Haluk Sarci, 3rd place at Bear Mountain
Who? Haluk Sarci. I don't know him personally myself.. but the name sort of stands out for a guy like me, one who sometimes feels completely isolated from the homeland we call the Turkish Republic. So when I discover another Turkish bike racer who has earned a solid result (any result!) in a race here in the US, it's a special occasion. Forgive me if this comes off as racist, it's not. I'm a Turkish nationalist, it wouldn't matter if Haluk were a Kurdish-Armenian Sephardic Jew, as long as he's a Turkish national, that's all that matters in my eyes. That said, let me draw attention to Haluk's recent podium finish in the 40+ Bear Mountain Spring Classic. (Take note that 55 year old Tom Officer is also tearing it up in the 40+ event, in 4th place) It appears that Haluk is a very successful triathlete and also a coach. You can view the particulars here. I salute him for his great result and look forward to meeting in person, maybe at a venue in CT sometime.
Haluk Sarci was born in Istanbul, Turkey and began his athletic adventures as a member of the National Track and Field Team in Turkey. An Olympic qualifier for the 1980 Olympics, Haluk held the honor of representing his country even though they were eventually boycotted. In 1984 Haluk immigrated to the United States where he participated in six New York City Marathons and five Boston Marathons where he set his personal record of 2 hrs. 35 min. Haluk has experience in the sport of Duathlon, Triathlon, Running, swimming, and road cycling. He has been participating in triathlons for more than nine years and has competed in many national and international events.
Another quickie.. HR vs Watts
What an eye-opener this Powertap device is. Took my first ride home from work with it yesterday, at the CORRECT "active recovery" pace. Seems that I haven't really done a proper recovery ride in the past three years! Typically, my goal on recovery rides was to simply keep the average heart rate in the 135-140 range. All the while I was in "endurance" mode.. Last night riding home from work, I averaged 125 watts and 114 Avg HR. And this morning, more evidence that HR is not as useful a measure as we thought: Ride to work this AM was 118 watts, 121 avg HR. Why? Maybe because of the tail wind? Maybe because it was 20 degrees cooler out than last night? Morning vs evening? Most likely, riding to work is more stressful than riding home, me thinks.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Coach says...
No training races for the next month or so (Grrrr..) at least until after Keith Berger Crit.. (which is one of my "A" events- I am aiming to do really well there) Will be hard to keep away from Ninigret. Need to focus on other training goals right now. Next few weeks are going to hurt.
Reak quick..
Powertap lacks many of the features of my Polar 710i. (temp, altitude, lap time, start/stop) Maybe I just need to find better instructions.Not happy about that. I did my "field test" on Saturday and discovered the unsurprising/disappointing results.. Rode myself into the ground last week at 13-1/2 total hours, 245 total miles including commuting. Probably won't top that again for a few weeks. Drove in to work today. Will probably drive home and back for lunch to stock up on this week's work clothing, grab the bike and the gear and take an easy ride home. Weight is down to 171. Worked around the house all weekend pulling tree stumps, grading, moving earth, shoveling, spreading 4 cubic yards of landscape stone. Plan to race Wed night at Ninigret. I now have a definite training program in place, thanks to coach Todd Scheske.. It's nice to have a plan.
Friday, May 11, 2007
At the risk of getting soaked..
..Gewilli convinced me to ride home tonight. It's going to be a bittersweet ride too.. Saying goodbye to the old Polar 710i.. being the last ride I will use it for a while, if ever. Three years old and still works perfectly. Odometer has 10,632 miles on it, 575 hours of ride time, over half a million calories burned.. But not a single watt recorded... My 57cm epx is offered for the insane price of only $1200. A fast ride for the dough. If no interest in the next couple of days, it's going onto ebay to help replace the Powertap money.
Powertap: Little, yellow, different

Yeah that's the old "Nuprin" catch phrase from the 80s I think. Picked up my Powertap SL yesterday.. Not impressed with the amount of hardware your get for the money! (Talking over $1000 here) I'm assuming most of the bling-bling cost is in the hub and the 'puter. Worked out nicely that I was up in Boston yesterday, getting my ass reamed at an owner's meeting, by an architect who I have some history with at other projects.. Why can't I work with guys like John Lowenstein? or Wade Tardiff? or Tom Officer or Gulay's Husband Andy? (actually I did work with Tom long ago). (Any other racers work in carpentry, millwork, construction or architecture? Speak up! We'll form our own team!) At any rate, my sponsor calls and says the PT is IN. YESSS. I swing by on the way back to Providence and settle up. (My yellow epx bike is offered for sale, btw) The rest of the day sucked because I had to drive with wife and child down to JFK to pick up mother-in-law who flew in from Turkey. I love my mother in law, but I hate NYC.. even though I was born in Queens, and even though I lived in Woodside, Kew Gardens, and College Point until I was fifteen, I renew my vow never to live there again during every visit. Needless to say we got home pretty late. That's a lot of driving though.. Round trip to Boston, round trip to JFK, all in one day. Rode in to work this morning.. Keep seeing the same group of 2-3-4 guys on the bike path in the mornings, from the opposite direction. Can't make out the faces or the kits as we greet eachother. It's nice to see friendly faces before getting to work though.. I wonder if any of them are visitors here and think "there goes Murat". I flatter myself completely, I know. Not to pick at old wounds, but I can't help but note the irony of having so much weight given to my words, while being called a "nobody" at the same time. I guess that I'm not the only one who is prone to letting emotions cloud my judgment. Bygones. Peace.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Ninigret Criterium
That's me dead center:

I was so surprised at not being put into difficulty that I didn't know what to do at the end. I maintained field position through the sprint, somewhere in the front 1/3 of the pack. I have to work on being more aggressive and more assertive in the field. Whenever someone behind you detects a bit of weakness, they go around you. Next thing you know, you're blocked on both sides and losing position fast. Crashing three times in the past 3 seasons has not helped any. Getting hit by a car and having your first kid also takes some of the edge off. You tend to stay on the side of caution. I hate that.
You will notice on the chart that during minutes 53, 54 and 55, I made an attempt to bridge up to a break with another. First I had to sprint to his wheel, then he pulled for half a lap, I pulled for half a lap, he pulled for half a lap, and then I pulled through for a little bit but was so gassed I had to sit up. He connected on his own (we were close) but the field picked up speed and caught the whole break within another lap. Felt good to try something though.. Like I said, I have to find little boosts to my confidance any way I can. Opening a gap on the field for a lap and a half helped somewhat.
Another revelation: I've been racing on the hoods for way too long. This is a bad habit of mine, and I do it mainly because I find it painful to be in the drops. It's painful because I never do it, and because of my (disappearing) gut... Well some recent yard work and some recent crunches and core exercises and rest seem to have strengthened my lower back and my abs. I was in the drops the whole time and didn't even realize it til I sat up after the finish. It's a sign that my head was into the race. Being on the hoods felt weird all of a sudden.
Note to self: I race, sprint and accelerate much faster in the drops. Duh.
A team mate who raced there last Wed says that tonight was much faster. I don't know how "slow" it could have been last week, but tonight we averaged 26 mph. We'll be doing in the 27s by mid June.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Time Trial Umbilical Cords
What ever became of those cords which the Italians started using around 1990, to attach their torsos to the stem of their bikes using a wire harness? I remember it being a controversial enhancement to performance in time trials. Banned I suppose. Was designed to give added leverage, but when you think about it, clip-on TT bars sort of do the same thing.. Instead of having one point of contact (hands only) the aero bars give you two (hands and forearms), hence the leverage. As one who has never used such TT bars, please forgive my ignorance. I am not a good time trialist, but that could change. Did the Bob Beal TT last year with no aero enhancements whatsoever, got a shit time of 7:12. This year I might use a set of clip-ons, wear a skinsuit and maybe borrow a rear disk. Maybe not. Getting a shit time is one thing, getting a shit time with all the aero toys, is another.
Monday, May 07, 2007
A Hopeful Sign

I skipped the ride to work today because I overslept. After work I went out for an hour to test the legs on my favorite gradual climb up Seven Mile Road. I'm in the habit of timing myself on this 2.2 mile stretch. It's not hard at all, in fact it's a big ring hill, if you can even call it that. Just a beautiful scenic piece of road that rises about 240 feet in a little over two miles. Intending to do a recovery ride in the 130-140 bpm range, I took exception and pushed it a little on the "hill", timing it out at 7:13 to the top with an avg HR of 162 (See chart, inset lap 2). Previous personal best was 6:51 last August 26th (HR avg 172). Sure there was a tail wind, but all my best times are with a tail wind on this stretch. It seems that the past many days of rest and sleep have given me benefits. I took it easy for the rest of the ride of course. Loving this weather. Will ride to/from work tomorrow, maybe meet the church riders on the way home for some social riding. Had fun with them last week. Want to do Ninigret Wednesday. Will probably record the race with cam in forward position. That way I can at least reach the start/stop button.
Jiminy Peak
I see the usual suspects among the lists of results.. but one thing was really happy about was the outcome of the Elite road race at Jiminy Peak. Third place: Mike Mathis of the Preferred Care Racing Team, centered in Rochester NY. (A link to their team site is in the sidebar)
I don't know Mike, but he's clearly an up and comer, poised to grab himself a Cat 1 license before too long. What I'm stoked about is that Mike Mathis' coach is a long time friend from of mine from the late 80s. I've mentioned him before: Todd Scheske.
Have I mentioned that Todd has agreed to coach the never before coached Murat? It's true. So what am I so excited about? Well I'm happy for Mike Mathis' podium finish, even though I don't know him personally. I'm happy for Todd, who can take a lot of credit for putting him there. and I'm happy for me, because I hope to claim some top 3 results with Todd's help as well. It might take until the late summer or fall, or until Bob Beal or Topsfield or Jamestown.. but I think my chances have doubled compared to trying to go it alone, using my failed "train when and how you feel like it" program.
I took notice that FnF finished 22nd on Saturday, just behind my old friend Tom Officer. Tom and I are both in the millwork/store fixture business, and know eachother through a former mutual employer and through doing business together back when I was remodeling COACH stores across the country. Good times.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Resting as much as possible
Saturday: Slept in until 10:30. Took a 3 hour nap at 3:00. No ride. No heavy lifting. Nothing.
Sunday: Slept in until 9:30. Spent 4 hours working around the house, ripping out small tree stumps, grading and landscaping (arms, back and abs got a work-out) Topped it off with a one hour spin on the bike path, 131 bpm avg, no speed. Beautiful out, couldn't resist.
Should I ride to work at all this week? Is my employment one of the main culprits in wearing me out so early this season? Perhaps.. but there's little I can do to avoid that. It's only going to get worse in the summer months. I'm in the business of fitting up the interiors of high schools and colleges with woodwork, casework and laboratory fixtures. Most of the action is in the summer, when there's no class. I have my eye on trying Ninigret Wednesday.. Might have a Powertap installed by then. Time to retire the old Polar 710i? Shouldn't need it with a Powertap, eh?
Sunday: Slept in until 9:30. Spent 4 hours working around the house, ripping out small tree stumps, grading and landscaping (arms, back and abs got a work-out) Topped it off with a one hour spin on the bike path, 131 bpm avg, no speed. Beautiful out, couldn't resist.
Should I ride to work at all this week? Is my employment one of the main culprits in wearing me out so early this season? Perhaps.. but there's little I can do to avoid that. It's only going to get worse in the summer months. I'm in the business of fitting up the interiors of high schools and colleges with woodwork, casework and laboratory fixtures. Most of the action is in the summer, when there's no class. I have my eye on trying Ninigret Wednesday.. Might have a Powertap installed by then. Time to retire the old Polar 710i? Shouldn't need it with a Powertap, eh?
Friday, May 04, 2007
I am really slogging through my last few rides. HR doesn't want to go up. When I force it, the whole body screams STOP! I can't help but feel like I was more fit, more fresh back in February. I did the Long Beach Circuit Race in CA back then.. Caught behind a crash and eliminated 1/2 way through.. but we averaged 27-1/2 mph for that first 1/2 hour I was in it, and I was not in any difficulty at all. Now it seems I can't get out of my own way in crits that are not nearly as fast.. The death spiral began at Rick Newhouse I think. Figures. DNFed twice that day. Didn't have it. Naturally, I train harder, longer, faster in frustration.. and DNF again at the GVCC Classic and at Palmer. Something's not right. Do I rest my way back into shape? Forget the bike completely for 1-2 weeks? Does such a rescue plan put me even farther behind the curve? Does it get worse before it gets better, like a home remodeling project? Ugh.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Tuesday church ride

Today I discovered that our man Arik Jon Holm won the 35+ race at Palmer! That news pretty much made my day.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Palmer Library RR Video...
Sorry for the delay! My home wireless network kept failing, so I humped my computer downstairs closer to the router and finally got it done. Mind you, it takes about an hour to compile the video in Moviemaker, add titles, music etc.. It takes another hour to save it to disk. It then takes another hour to upload to Google, and then another hour for them to process and approve it. We're almost there. Thanks for patience.
I've hired a coach
No more riding my ass off just because the weather is nice, and then resting only on the rainy days. No more "winging it" when it comes to training frequency, duration and intensity. No more "racing my way into fitness".. No more fooling myself into believing that I have it "all figured out" just because I started started racing 20 years ago. Time for a serious gut check..
I have selected a coach who I believe will get me out of this death spiral, straighten me out and have me flying straight. I'm cautiously optimistic. And yes, this also means I am getting myself a power meter too.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Palmer Library Road Race DNF Report
Grrrrrr. I continue to be eluded by the finish line of a road race.. It's no coincidence that all of the races I've ever won were criteriums. Why I continue to bash my head in trying to do an event I suck at, G-d only knows.. Maybe it's the fluke result (if you can call it that) which I earned at Topsfield last year in the P-1-2-3 race. Gave my confidence some wings.. but a few weeks later at Jamestown P-3, I quit after the first 54 minute lap. I was gassed. Seems that on a really good day, I can finish a road race. Anything less, and my heart isn't into it. The head prevails.. It says.. "You are suffering like a dog on the first lap, you shouldn't be in difficulty.. You are pack fodder today with no hope of even riding at the front, much less cracking top 20.. Three, four or five more laps of this will make you feel even worse.. and for what? To say you finished? 80th? DFL? Stop punishing yourself.. You're better than this.. Go home.. lick your wounds.. rest.. toss your training/rest plan in the circular file and start over.. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.. All or nothing.."
Story of my life, those last three words..
After the first lap, a few miles past the finish, we were cresting a rise and I couldn't see the top.. I'm in the big ring and I notice a lot of others are in the little ring.. Should have followed suit, but I felt committed. After the top, I'm fading, dangling at the very back, legs sloshing with lactic acid, they don't want to go anymore.. It's at this point when a switch is thrown, one which illuminates the "This isn't fun anymore" sign.. I'm not a masochist, I race because I tend to enjoy it immensely, and polluting that enjoyment by forcing a bad day into a death march, isn't good for my future in the sport. After I begin to coast, a very friendly racer passes by, slows down and asks my name. In times when I want to turn invisible, I forget my manners- I didn't ask his name.. Hopefully he visits here and says hi. A few seconds later, Gewilli comes bombing down the road and the two of them try to rally me into a 40 mile training ride.. I consider it as I produce more acid trying to accelerate.. but my mind was already made up. The fire was smothered completely.. would not re-ignite. I pulled a u-turn back towards my wife and kid who were waiting for me at the Warren School. Regrets for that guys.. Thanks for trying and I hope you got more out of it than I did.
I think I'll clear my calendar of all road races for the next 30 days. "Stick to what you know" seems to ring true right now.
"All or nothing".. Destructive behavior? or not?
Story of my life, those last three words..
After the first lap, a few miles past the finish, we were cresting a rise and I couldn't see the top.. I'm in the big ring and I notice a lot of others are in the little ring.. Should have followed suit, but I felt committed. After the top, I'm fading, dangling at the very back, legs sloshing with lactic acid, they don't want to go anymore.. It's at this point when a switch is thrown, one which illuminates the "This isn't fun anymore" sign.. I'm not a masochist, I race because I tend to enjoy it immensely, and polluting that enjoyment by forcing a bad day into a death march, isn't good for my future in the sport. After I begin to coast, a very friendly racer passes by, slows down and asks my name. In times when I want to turn invisible, I forget my manners- I didn't ask his name.. Hopefully he visits here and says hi. A few seconds later, Gewilli comes bombing down the road and the two of them try to rally me into a 40 mile training ride.. I consider it as I produce more acid trying to accelerate.. but my mind was already made up. The fire was smothered completely.. would not re-ignite. I pulled a u-turn back towards my wife and kid who were waiting for me at the Warren School. Regrets for that guys.. Thanks for trying and I hope you got more out of it than I did.
I think I'll clear my calendar of all road races for the next 30 days. "Stick to what you know" seems to ring true right now.
"All or nothing".. Destructive behavior? or not?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Ready for Palmer?
As ready as possible I guess.. I rode 30 easy miles today.. and got to thinking.. whatever I've done in the past 30 days has a much bigger effect on tomorrow's performance than anything I do today.. So why fret about anything? What's done is done. You either have it or you don't.. Going easy today was the right move, because the most important thing of all tomorrow is to feel rested at the start.. The camera is installed, this time aimed a little lower so I don't end up recording so much sky.. I am going to turn it on at the start and we'll get about 30 minutes of continuous footage out of it- one lap or more. If it were possible to start it on the third lap I would, but it's not possible to reach under the saddle, power it up and hit the start button, not without stopping. I could lower the quality of the recording and get an hour or more out of the 2 gig SD card, but that might end up looking pretty bad on screen.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Recent charts: Loud Road & Tunk Hill Road
The first chart shows you a ride in the Pittsford/Victor area of Rochester, NY this past weekend. The hill which you see in the profile is the infamous "Loud Road" which climbs 319 feet in 1.4 miles. Then a fast descent and another 172 foot rise in 1/2 mile. I lived only five miles from this road as a junior, and used it very often to work on climbing. Back then I'd grind it out in the 42x16 seated, as I was 30 pounds lighter than present. I always feel at home on that climb. The GVCC used the two climbs for a prologue TT one year, part of a stage race we organized. I got 4th.

This second chart is tonight's ride from the Church. Big turn out, especially after we connected with another group of 6-7 riders. Towards the end of my ride, peaking in the 78th minute, is the Tunk Hill Road climb.. (I had to head towards home after this climb, hence the mirror image) This is another rise which I'm pretty familiar with, having climbed it dozens of times in the past few years, but always by myself, never in a group. I always wondered how I'd fare in a fast group like tonight. Truth is, I can't climb very well right now. Felt really good on the steeper first half, then I came apart about 100 meters from the summit. This one rises 220 feet in one mile, but the 2nd half isn't steep at all.. Looking back on my Polar records, I find that my fastest time up this hill is 4 minutes flat, using the big ring back on Oct 2nd... Today was the same exact time of 4 minutes, except using the little ring and very early in the season in comparison. I'm hoping this means I'm ahead of the curve in 2007. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Junk Miles?
After my meltdown at the GVCC Classic, I didn't get to see Todd Scheske again, but he called me in the evening to make sure I was okay. I love that. Says it all about him doesn't it? Anyway we get to talking about things for almost 1/2 hour and I explain that I weigh 25 pounds more than we did back when we were juniors (I'm 174) Todd, on the other hand, seems to have lost weight since that time somehow.. Todd's like "holy shit dude! Drop ten pounds and your power/kg will go off the chart" Duh! I've known this.. but no matter what I do I can't get under 170 so far this season.. Maybe I will soon though because of the daily bike commute becoming a regular thing.. Hope so.. although Todd refers to such riding as "junk miles". (Ouch) Todd's a Cat One who definitely has his stuff together, going to Master's Nationals, winning at Chris Thater et al... We're the same age. He uses a power meter and trains smart.. So smart in fact that he offers coaching... The Cat One (Mike Mathis) who won the GVCC Classic is Todd's pupil. With my recent lack of results and getting my nose rubbed in it publicly, I'm thinking I'll take him up on it. Insanity can be defined as continuing to do the same thing, and expecting different results. Could I be beyond help? At my genetically pre-disposed limits of performance? I doubt it.
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